The first thing I want to say is that I am beautiful, the second is that I am beautiful. This is how I feel about my body, says Ruslana Pisanka.
Famous TV presenter and actress Ruslana Pisanka At the beginning of her career, she managed to make her magnificent forms a business card. But now she has lost so much weight that it is difficult to recognize her. Ruslan did it very competently and without harm to health, because she lost as much as 42 kilograms, and her skin did not sag. Now she is happy and slim going on tour. And, of course, gladly tells how to achieve such results in the fight against excess weight.
The star tried a lot of diets and training, but she managed to achieve the result on the show about weight loss, in which she took part with her husband. Editorial "Site" He will tell you the main things. weight-loss Ruslana Pisanki. And also about how to maintain the achieved result.
Because of the tendency to be full, Ruslan was called a typical Ukrainian woman. The actress does not object, and most importantly - loves himself as he is. The first thing I want to say is that I am beautiful, the second is that I am beautiful, and the third is that I am beautiful. This is how I treat my body.”
Even as a large lady, she took part in dance shows where she defeated her skinny rivals. So the #1 rule for all women is to embrace yourself and your body. It is much easier to lose weight with love for your figure than with hatred.
The actress repeatedly sat on different diets, but achieved great results only once. “I will tell you that not everyone can afford it, not everyone can stand it. But here I am sitting in front of you, and I had this experience where I lost 20 pounds in 30 months, but I only ate until two in the afternoon. My diet was balanced because it included protein, carbohydrates, a lot of water. I lost weight, but my body didn't sag.”
By the way, this diet has long been adhered to and Julia Vysotskaya.
But the cherished 42 kilograms of excess weight Ruslana Pisank dropped only on the show for weight loss. Nutritionists and trainers worked with her. However, in addition to joy, the actress experienced depression after participating in the project, because she struggled with herself for a long time. But rule #2 is to go after your goal no matter what. The despondency will disappear as soon as you see the cherished forms in the reflection.
“When I left camp, I didn’t want to go to any gym. The thought of sports, fitness, rope, the press was depressing. Then I realized that I would have to continue with the coach. At first, he tested me for what I could do. I realized that I can do a lot, and we started to put 700 repetitions in one training session. For example, 50 push-ups, 50 squats, 50 times you stand at the bar, pushing your knees under yourself.
I knew I didn’t want to do it, but I had to. After all, for the 4 months we were at home, we had to drop more kilograms to those we dropped in the camp. I lost another 13 kg at home.”
Now Ruslana has returned to active touring work, but continues to train with her husband when there is free time. By the way, during the show, her husband lost 40 kg. The actress travels with performances around the world, and, of course, tries various goodies: “I had to beat myself on the hands.” All their sausages, sausages, beer I tried. Being in Germany and not eating a sausage will not understand me.
But the German portions are so huge that even the male part of our company could not cope with them. I used to eat soup at times like this. And after the fish with salad, more than 15,000 steps were taken. So rule #3 is to control food intake. Not without it.
Now Ruslana is still the same happy and smiling woman, only much slimmer. Losing weight is 50% success, the main thing is to maintain the result. So do not relax after the achieved result, because then you will work a lifetime to maintain your new figure.
Do you agree that you can achieve the desired results, especially in the fight for a beautiful body, only with love for yourself, the support of loved ones and thanks to painstaking work, including moral work? Tell us in the comments, and also share tips to lose weight from the star with your friends in social networks!

The star tried a lot of diets and training, but she managed to achieve the result on the show about weight loss, in which she took part with her husband. Editorial "Site" He will tell you the main things. weight-loss Ruslana Pisanki. And also about how to maintain the achieved result.

Because of the tendency to be full, Ruslan was called a typical Ukrainian woman. The actress does not object, and most importantly - loves himself as he is. The first thing I want to say is that I am beautiful, the second is that I am beautiful, and the third is that I am beautiful. This is how I treat my body.”
Even as a large lady, she took part in dance shows where she defeated her skinny rivals. So the #1 rule for all women is to embrace yourself and your body. It is much easier to lose weight with love for your figure than with hatred.
The actress repeatedly sat on different diets, but achieved great results only once. “I will tell you that not everyone can afford it, not everyone can stand it. But here I am sitting in front of you, and I had this experience where I lost 20 pounds in 30 months, but I only ate until two in the afternoon. My diet was balanced because it included protein, carbohydrates, a lot of water. I lost weight, but my body didn't sag.”
By the way, this diet has long been adhered to and Julia Vysotskaya.

But the cherished 42 kilograms of excess weight Ruslana Pisank dropped only on the show for weight loss. Nutritionists and trainers worked with her. However, in addition to joy, the actress experienced depression after participating in the project, because she struggled with herself for a long time. But rule #2 is to go after your goal no matter what. The despondency will disappear as soon as you see the cherished forms in the reflection.

“When I left camp, I didn’t want to go to any gym. The thought of sports, fitness, rope, the press was depressing. Then I realized that I would have to continue with the coach. At first, he tested me for what I could do. I realized that I can do a lot, and we started to put 700 repetitions in one training session. For example, 50 push-ups, 50 squats, 50 times you stand at the bar, pushing your knees under yourself.
I knew I didn’t want to do it, but I had to. After all, for the 4 months we were at home, we had to drop more kilograms to those we dropped in the camp. I lost another 13 kg at home.”

Now Ruslana has returned to active touring work, but continues to train with her husband when there is free time. By the way, during the show, her husband lost 40 kg. The actress travels with performances around the world, and, of course, tries various goodies: “I had to beat myself on the hands.” All their sausages, sausages, beer I tried. Being in Germany and not eating a sausage will not understand me.
But the German portions are so huge that even the male part of our company could not cope with them. I used to eat soup at times like this. And after the fish with salad, more than 15,000 steps were taken. So rule #3 is to control food intake. Not without it.

Now Ruslana is still the same happy and smiling woman, only much slimmer. Losing weight is 50% success, the main thing is to maintain the result. So do not relax after the achieved result, because then you will work a lifetime to maintain your new figure.
Do you agree that you can achieve the desired results, especially in the fight for a beautiful body, only with love for yourself, the support of loved ones and thanks to painstaking work, including moral work? Tell us in the comments, and also share tips to lose weight from the star with your friends in social networks!