Digestive problems? Put a couple of drops of essential oil on your navel, relief will come...
The navel is a sacred place on our body. Ayurveda calls it the gate of life, because it was through the navel that we were connected to our mother before birth. Here all the energy channels intersect, and in China they believe that it is in the navel that all our experiences and nervous tension accumulate. And Eastern medicine says that the correct effect on the navel can save a person from many unpleasant problems.
A couple of drops of essential oil, a few massage movements - and health problems go away. Editorial "Site" He will tell you why to put essential oil on your navel and how to do it correctly. Ayurveda recommends!
Treatment with essential oils Impact on bioactive points Oriental medicine. The navel is one of those points, because that is where our energy flows intersect. Thanks to the correct effect on this point and the use of essential oil, you can get rid of many problems. Which ones? Let's figure it out.
We talked a lot about the fact that, in addition to using essential oil, you also need to do self-massage. It's time to learn how to do it right. So, you put a couple drops of oil on your navel, now start doing a massage. The first massage movement is called “Percussion”. It is necessary to insert the index finger into the umbilical depression and very carefully, without unnecessary effort, press on the navel. Repeat 6 or 10 times.
The second exercise is "Expansion." Put your finger in the navel and rotate your fingertip clockwise. The pressure should not be directed inwards, but to the sides. Repeat 6 to 10 times. This exercise perfectly improves digestion.
The next exercise is "Squeeze." Collect the skin to the left and right of the navel to form a horizontal fold. Squeeze the fold 6-10 times, and then repeat the same thing only with a vertical fold. This exercise will help tone the skin around the navel, as well as strengthen the walls of the energy channel.
DepositPhotos And the last exercise on our list is “Pumping”. Put your hand on the navel area, press sharply and vigorously, do 6-10 times in one exhale. Take your hand off your stomach and relax it. This exercise will help to create a reserve of energy and restore its balance. That's where the navel massage ends.
This simple massage together with essential oils works wonders. It can be done up to three times a day, but again very delicately and carefully. And do not forget that the navel is a very sensitive area and requires special care. Follow these simple rules, perform a massage and always stay healthy!
How do you use essential oils? Be sure to share with us in the comments.

A couple of drops of essential oil, a few massage movements - and health problems go away. Editorial "Site" He will tell you why to put essential oil on your navel and how to do it correctly. Ayurveda recommends!
Treatment with essential oils Impact on bioactive points Oriental medicine. The navel is one of those points, because that is where our energy flows intersect. Thanks to the correct effect on this point and the use of essential oil, you can get rid of many problems. Which ones? Let's figure it out.
- Digestive problems
The use of essential oil, namely applying it to the navel, can alleviate digestive problems. This method will help with diarrhea, poisoning, nausea, bloating and constipation. For this, peppermint or ginger oil is well suited. You just need to mix it with base oil (jojoba oil or sesame oil) and drip on the navel. You can add a couple of massage movements, below we will tell you how to perform them correctly.
DepositPhotos - Painful menstruation
Essential oils are very effective in coping with menstruation. In addition, regular massage and the use of oils can normalize the cycle. For this, peppermint, cypress, sage and ginger oil is well suited.
DepositPhotos - Liver problems
To cleanse the liver, experts advise using lemon peel oil.
DepositPhotos - Fertility problems
Sage essential oil, grated into the navel and the area around it, can increase fertility in women and men. A couple of drops of oil and a light massage will help to relax, start the production of the necessary hormones and will contribute to a successful conception.
DepositPhotos - Loss of energy
Since the navel is our energy center, it can help restore the energy balance. Canola oil will help. Drop a small amount of oil on the navel and do a light massage. Regular treatments will restore your energy, help you find inspiration and awaken your creativity.
We talked a lot about the fact that, in addition to using essential oil, you also need to do self-massage. It's time to learn how to do it right. So, you put a couple drops of oil on your navel, now start doing a massage. The first massage movement is called “Percussion”. It is necessary to insert the index finger into the umbilical depression and very carefully, without unnecessary effort, press on the navel. Repeat 6 or 10 times.
The second exercise is "Expansion." Put your finger in the navel and rotate your fingertip clockwise. The pressure should not be directed inwards, but to the sides. Repeat 6 to 10 times. This exercise perfectly improves digestion.
The next exercise is "Squeeze." Collect the skin to the left and right of the navel to form a horizontal fold. Squeeze the fold 6-10 times, and then repeat the same thing only with a vertical fold. This exercise will help tone the skin around the navel, as well as strengthen the walls of the energy channel.

DepositPhotos And the last exercise on our list is “Pumping”. Put your hand on the navel area, press sharply and vigorously, do 6-10 times in one exhale. Take your hand off your stomach and relax it. This exercise will help to create a reserve of energy and restore its balance. That's where the navel massage ends.
This simple massage together with essential oils works wonders. It can be done up to three times a day, but again very delicately and carefully. And do not forget that the navel is a very sensitive area and requires special care. Follow these simple rules, perform a massage and always stay healthy!
How do you use essential oils? Be sure to share with us in the comments.