Deadly dangerous! 10 Foods That Are Driving You To The Grave
Do you realize the seriousness of cancer? They cause damage to the mental, emotional, financial, spiritual and physical spheres of life. Cancer has a catastrophic effect on the internal and external state, on relations with friends and relatives. Cancer treatment It completely turns everything upside down: it becomes difficult to live the same life, to do the usual things.
The battle against cancer is very exhausting. It is difficult to understand for those who have not experienced this terrible disease through their own experience. But few people think that the use of certain familiar foods increases the risk of getting cancer many times!
The World Health Organization has compiled a list of carcinogenic products, the use of which should be immediately minimized or even abandoned.
What products should not be used
This imposing list Anyone can get desperate. Are there almost no harmless products? Fortunately, it is in our power to minimize the dose of carcinogens consumed.
How to protect yourself from cancer
Cancer risk factors They are constantly present in our daily lives. Food manufacturers do not care about our health, so the task of maintaining health falls on our shoulders. You are able to reduce the effect of dangerous substances on the body, giving up potentially harmful products. Here, for example, alkaline water helps to cleanse yourself of toxic substances.
Follow the rules described in the article, and your body will be grateful for your care. Do not forget to carry out medical prevention of diseases. Be sure to share this information with your friends!

The battle against cancer is very exhausting. It is difficult to understand for those who have not experienced this terrible disease through their own experience. But few people think that the use of certain familiar foods increases the risk of getting cancer many times!
The World Health Organization has compiled a list of carcinogenic products, the use of which should be immediately minimized or even abandoned.

What products should not be used
- Canned food
Canned or other processed food in plastic containers is potentially junk. Most food containers contain a substance called bisphenol-A (BPA). Laboratory studies have shown that even at very low amounts, bisphenol-A can cause harmful effects on human health and its offspring. Bottles for water and drinks, as well as almost all preserve Metal cans contain this dangerous substance. Avoid containers labeled PC (polycarbonate) and PVC (polyvinyl chloride). Give up plastic and metal dishes - use ceramic, porcelain or glass dishes, as well as glass baby bottles.
DepositPhotos - Refined sugar
It is not for nothing that the status of “white death” was fixed for him. Refined sugar causes a sharp increase insulinization It fuels the growth of cancer cells. By actively consuming sugar, cancer cells set off a vicious cycle that causes the disease to progress at a breakneck rate. A safer option for eating is natural honey, stevia or maple syrup.
DepositPhotos - High-grade flour
When cleaning wheat flour, all useful substances are removed. The flour is then bleached with chemicals to give it a presentable and attractive look. It turns out not a natural product, but something similar to a surrogate. In addition, white flour is very high. glycemic index. This means that the use of products from such flour only increases the level of insulin, not giving the body nutrients.
Carbohydrates in the body are converted to sugars, so eating foods containing white flour can lead to increased insulin resistance. For this reason, it is better to use whole grain flour. Or at least reduce the use of white flour products.
DepositPhotos - Plants purchased off-season
Pesticides are chemicals long used to control weeds, pests and plant diseases. Pesticides are poisons to humans, and cause diseases such as cancer, obesity, Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, and infertility. They are not destroyed by cooking, frying, or any other processing of food. Most pesticides are in spinach, nectarines, apples, peaches, celery, grapes, pear, cherry, tomatoes, sweet pepper and potatoes. But the champion in the content of pesticides was everyone’s favorite strawberries.
DepositPhotos - Fried meat
During the heat treatment of meat, a substance such as a heterocyclic amine is formed. When meat It is prepared on an open fire at high temperatures, powerful carcinogens are formed. These substances increase the risk of cancer. Fans of eating barbecue in nature increase the risk of prostate cancer by 40%. Harmful substances accumulate not only in the meat itself, but also in steams during frying, which spread in the room and fall on the mucous membranes and into the lungs.
DepositPhotos - Salted, pickled and smoked products
Experts estimate that 50 g of smoked sausage can contain the same amount of carcinogenic substances as smoke from a whole pack of cigarettes. And a can of sprat is equivalent to 60 packs of cigarettes! When smoked When cooked at high temperatures, nitrates become much more dangerous nitrites. Meat, fish, vegetable and fruit pickled delicacies of factory production have a high content of nitrates, which are converted into nitrozodimethylaniline (N-Nitrozo). This substance dramatically increases the likelihood of developing all kinds of cancer.
DepositPhotos - Long-term storage
Such products contain preservatives designed to extend the shelf life. They can accumulate in the body over time. They are then converted into toxins that lead to the degeneration of healthy cells into cancer cells. The most common preservatives are sodium nitrite (E250), sulfur dioxide, sorbic acid (E200), sodium glutamate (E621). If you can not avoid products with E-additives, then try to at least choose those that contain no more than two such substances.
DepositPhotos - Alcohol
Alcohol itself is not a carcinogenic substance. But it does not allow the absorption of vitamins, trace elements and other important nutrients, depresses the immune system, which contributes to the development of cancer. Alcohol increases the risk of breast, mouth, larynx, throat, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, rectum, bladder, lungs. It also causes fibrosis, cirrhosis and liver cancer.
All alcoholism You need to use it with caution. They are especially dangerous when combined with cigarettes. If abstinence from alcohol is very difficult, then only 150 g of wine, or 0.33 g of beer, is allowed once a week.
DepositPhotos - Mold products
In foods that are affected by mold fungi, mycotoxins are formed - quiet and invisible killers. They're capable of calling. malignancy The cells, when exposed in very small doses, can lead to cancer of the liver, stomach and colon. The danger of mycotoxins is also that they are not visible in products, do not change their smell, color and taste, and are not destroyed either by heating or by any other cooking. So throw away anything that's starting to go bad.
DepositPhotos - Hydrogenated oils
Manufacturers extract vegetable oils from raw materials using chemicals. Then follow. chemical-purification. More chemicals are added to alter taste and smell. The finished vegetable oil contains a huge amount of omega-6 fatty acids. But it is known that one of the problems of modern mankind is the excessive consumption of omega-6 with factory food. It is proved that these substances change the structure of the membranes of cells of our body.
This imposing list Anyone can get desperate. Are there almost no harmless products? Fortunately, it is in our power to minimize the dose of carcinogens consumed.
How to protect yourself from cancer
- Thoroughly wash and clean vegetables and fruits, cutting the skin.
- Instead of fried and smoked products, use boiled, stewed, baked in the oven, steamed. Replace smoked and fried meat with dried.
- Pay attention to the change in taste and smell of products. Throw away the spoiled ones.
- Dried and frozen foods are much safer than salted and canned.
- Do not buy fruits and vegetables in large quantities. Take as much as you can in the next 3 days.
- Buy products that have passed sanitary and epidemiological control, only at authorized points of sale.
- Keep all the food in the fridge.
- Alcoholic beverages are best avoided or minimized.
- To cleanse the body of accumulated harmful substances, use products from coarse flour, grapefruit, green tea, black tea, sauerkraut, seaweed.

Cancer risk factors They are constantly present in our daily lives. Food manufacturers do not care about our health, so the task of maintaining health falls on our shoulders. You are able to reduce the effect of dangerous substances on the body, giving up potentially harmful products. Here, for example, alkaline water helps to cleanse yourself of toxic substances.
Follow the rules described in the article, and your body will be grateful for your care. Do not forget to carry out medical prevention of diseases. Be sure to share this information with your friends!