Five-minute jam with a proven recipe

Are you waiting for the beginning of the season of cheap berries as much as I am to start with a sweep? jam? There is something almost mystical about this process when you stand at the pelvis and stir a gurgling brew with a spoon (necessarily wooden!).

Strawberries, cherries, currants, raspberries, mulberries... song! Jars in slender rows gradually fill the shelves in the closet.

Don't think that "Site" He urges you to turn the apartment into a branch of a cannery! But how great it is: in winter, siping gulls, enjoy a fragrant summer dessert from a jar...

In our crazy age of constant shortage of time, the recipes of grandmothers and mothers, when jam was cooked for a long time and in several receptions, lose their relevance. I want to do it quickly so that one, two – and ready! This is where you think of the famous. five-inch jamwhich can be prepared from any berries.

Fast jam The less jam is cooked, the more useful it is, The berries retain their taste, shape and aroma. For the recipe below, raspberries, currants, strawberries, cherries are ideal.

The ingredients
  • 1 kg of berries
  • 1 kg of sugar
  • 4 tbsp lemon juice (no need to add to cherries)

  1. Pick the ripe berries and wash them, remove the bones from the cherries. Fall asleep with sugar and leave overnight in the fridge.

  2. In the morning, put the pelvis with berries on a small fire and, stirring, bring to a boil. After boiling, add lemon juice and boil for another 5 minutes.

  3. Pour the jam hot in sterilized banks and close. For me, it is most convenient to use cans of 250 ml with unscrewable covers. While the jam gurgles, the lids boil, and the cans sterilize in the microwave.

  4. Closed jars with jam turn upside down and wrap for a few hours before cooling down.

The approximate yield of the finished product depends on the berries: from raspberries, strawberries, currants - 1 liter, from cherries - 1.6 liters (due to the abundance of juice). Checked: home blanks are perfectly stored in a city apartment outside the refrigerator, do not sour and do not explode.

Help your friends open the season of preparations, share with them the recipe!


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