What is the key to the happiness of a young father

Mikhail Labkovsky is a psychologist with a huge experience who can instantly put diagnosis and solve almost any problem. Not so long ago, Labkovsky gave an interview about the difficulties of fatherhood and the challenges that new fathers face.

Being parents is not only a great happiness, but also a lot of difficulties. It's suddennessIt is very difficult to be fully prepared for. You can prepare yourself mentally for this period of your life for a long time, but it will still be completely different from what you imagined.

Mothers are the most stressed because postpartum depression This is a very difficult period in the life of every mother. However, the life of not only the mother, but also the father is changing dramatically.

Advice to a young father
  1. Nothing is more beautiful than the first time. pick up your baby And feel the warmth of his body, look into those big eyes and feel like a father. But there is another side to the coin. Young fathers are often unprepared for such a dramatic change in their lives.

    Remember that all changes in life happen very quickly, but sooner or later you will get used to all the innovations and love them. The most important thing is to give yourself time and slow down.

  2. When a baby appears in a mother’s life, the husband takes a little back seat. Over time, this situation normalizes and attention is distributed more harmoniously. At first, parents should be as patient as they can. The best solution in this situation is debateThe experience of young parents, together.

    The happiest father. The one for whom the wife and child will always be the most important in life.

  3. With the advent of a child, the cost of the family increases significantly. You have to be as prepared as possible. It is advisable to plan the financial part of the family life before the birth of the child and consider. Ideally, all responsibilities are shared equally, if possible.

    For example, if a woman works, a man tries harder. housework And look after the child as much as his wife does. But even if at first a woman is on maternity leave, this does not mean that a man should not help her at all.

  4. Intimate life Couples can also change significantly after birth. First of all, lack of time. Young parents at the end of the day fall from fatigue. Secondly, if a child has just been born, it is morally difficult for a woman to immediately move to the same level of physical relations as before the birth of the child.

    Happy father and husband This is someone whose life is full of love, respect and intimacy with a loved one. Sometimes you just have to wait a little.

  5. Mikhail Labkovsky insists that the child needs the attention and time of his parents, not expensive gifts. Many couples are fixated on giving the baby the very best: the world’s best stroller, nipple and toys. Labkovsky believes that this is what parents do who do not know. How to play with your children And how to give them proper attention.

  6. The psychologist advises to pass before the birth of the child courses. Abroad, such courses are held together, and we often do this only future mothers. Such courses teach many useful things and give an idea of what problems you may face.

  7. But young mothers Labkovsky recommends more often to trust the child to the father. And trust completely. This way a man can get used to responsibility as quickly as possible. bondTo really feel it as your own.

In difficult parenting, there are ups and downs. The most important thing is to love each other and your child.

If you and your husband talk about your problems and discuss all the things that really bother you, you will come to a compromise.

Editorial "Site" He wants all parents to be loving and patient.


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