What is useful for burdock root

My great-grandmother also said that the best medicines are herbs grown in her garden. For centuries, decoctions, infusions, ointments and any derivatives of herbs were used as the main one. cure.

The famous Persian scientist Avicenna believed that a real doctor should have three weapons - words, plants and a knife. Well, in Asia, herbal medicine is still practiced on a par with the use of medicines.

The benefits of herbs Today editorial "Site" I have prepared for you, dear reader. herbwhich have a beneficial effect on the human body. These 7 Plants Are Better Than Medications

  1. Mint
    Our ancestors believed that mint prolongs life, and called it the herb of longevity. The main benefit of this plant is based on its antiseptic, analgesic and antispasmodic properties. Mint refreshes, restores strength, improves digestion. Fragrant tea with mint relieves nervous tension, helps to relax, relieves depression and insomnia. It is recommended to drink for colds, it facilitates breathing, is effective for migraines.

  2. Bugger
    Burdock is a very useful plant, its root has a special value. Infusions from the roots and leaves of burdock are used for rheumatism, gout, osteochondrosis, for the treatment of stomach ulcers, chronic gastritis, as well as various skin diseases: acne, lichen, boils. None of the skinners can treat all skin diseases, and this amazing plant can! Infusion of burdock can cure hepatitis. After two to three months of treatment, there is no hepatitis. Burdock root heals liver tumors and even cirrhosis of the liver! Treats cholecystitis, kidney disease, crushes stones in the kidneys and gallbladder.

  3. basilica
    A decoction of basil leaves perfectly copes with diseases of the throat and bronchi, is used as an antipyretic, improves the work of the kidneys. The use of basil for men in its ability to increase potency. The plant also contains vitamins A, C, B2, PP, sugar, carotene, phytoncides. Basil strengthens immunity, helps prevent the occurrence of cancer.

  4. thyme
    The benefits of this plant have been known since the time of Hippocrates. Thyme is considered one of the most healing plants for the human body. The second name is thyme. This fragrant herb is put in tea to not only enjoy the taste. When used correctly, thymes can have a therapeutic effect. Especially useful thyme people suffering from pressure surges.

  5. Coriander (kinza)
    Coriander improves digestion, increases appetite, is used for gastritis, stomach ulcer and duodenum. Seeds contribute to better absorption of starchy food and root vegetables. Spice is used to relieve abdominal pain and as a remedy for flatulence. A coriander drink (2 teaspoons of seeds per glass of boiling water) is a good remedy for heartburn. Also, cilantro is an excellent assistant to those who want to lose extra pounds.

  6. rosemary
    The herb with needle leaves and pink, blue or purple flowers, which comes from the Mediterranean coast, is used as a seasoning to flavor soups, second dishes and sauces. In addition to the culinary purpose of the plant, rosemary has been used for centuries to treat diseases. And I must say, our ancestors were not mistaken, hoping for the healing qualities of the herb! Rosemary is an excellent assistant for improving memory. In the XV century, esculapians recommended it to be eaten by people with brain diseases and brain disorders. Today, scientists believe that the plant is able to protect a person from Alzheimer’s disease, as well as recurrent changes associated with mental decline.

  7. Chamomile
    Our grandmothers successfully used chamomile as an antiseptic, mild antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory agent. It is good to take a decoction or infusion of chamomile with stomach spasms, flatulence, pain during menstruation. Externally, chamomile is used for washing and rinsing.

I also suggest you learn about 8 medicinal herbs that should be in the first aid kit of every woman who cares about her health.

Please note that it is impossible to mindlessly treat herbs. You should be very careful about dosages and do not mix different types of herbs. Also know that you have no allergic reaction to this plant. Before any treatment with herbs, you should consult with your doctor.

Personally, I learned more about the properties of each of the types of beneficial herbs, decided to grow them on the windowsill, so that I had fresh greens on hand all year round.

And now, in the warm season, I have already planted the seeds of these beautiful plants in my garden. For two years of active use of greens and fruits, I can safely say that I have normalized. immunity and improved health. So for pills in the pharmacy now I almost do not go.

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