How to Make Armenian Hash Soup
Armenian cuisine It is considered one of the oldest on the planet, and many modern meat dishes are of Caucasian origin. And one of the ancient dishes, which are adored today, is considered to be khash soup, popular in the Caucasus.
Hash is called. "poor food"It has a logical explanation, if you look at history. The fact is that when cutting the carcasses of cattle, intestines and legs were given to the poor, who cooked soup from such questionable meat. Moreover, the dish was so tasty that the rich stopped distributing second-rate meat and began to cook khash themselves.
Some Armenian dishes are cooked long to the point of being impossible, and hash soup is one of them. Today's edition. "Site" will tell How to make hashA real Armenian, from the first spoon of which the primeval heat covers and it seems as if you were born again into the world.
Armenian soup Choose ingredients for khash carefully. Beef legs for the dish should be fleshy and fatty. For hash, it is necessary to take large bones that remain after scraping meat - they make the soup thick and brewy.
The ingredients
Hash preparations In the East, only men are trusted. The process itself, as you can see, takes almost a day and a half, but the result is worth it. Such a dish with garlic and radish, of course, is not suitable for a festive table or business lunch.
Eating. khash in the company of loved ones. And more often eat without spoons, bare hands, which hardly fits into the framework of modern etiquette. But if you are invited to taste khash, then you are your own person, because such a meal is not shared with strangers.
In Armenia khash It is considered even a medicinal dish, which is considered curative by official medicine. He is credited with the property of restoring strength after prolonged illnesses or giving strength before exhausting work.
If you like oriental cuisine, then we offer a recipe for Armenian dolma. The dish turned out to be so delicious that it quickly became the property of many people in the Middle East, Europe, and even Africa.

Hash is called. "poor food"It has a logical explanation, if you look at history. The fact is that when cutting the carcasses of cattle, intestines and legs were given to the poor, who cooked soup from such questionable meat. Moreover, the dish was so tasty that the rich stopped distributing second-rate meat and began to cook khash themselves.
Some Armenian dishes are cooked long to the point of being impossible, and hash soup is one of them. Today's edition. "Site" will tell How to make hashA real Armenian, from the first spoon of which the primeval heat covers and it seems as if you were born again into the world.

Armenian soup Choose ingredients for khash carefully. Beef legs for the dish should be fleshy and fatty. For hash, it is necessary to take large bones that remain after scraping meat - they make the soup thick and brewy.

The ingredients
- 3 peeled beef legs
- 1 large sugar bone
- 3 heads of garlic
- Lavash, radish, salt to taste
- Cut the legs into 6 even parts, fold in a pan and pour cold water to rid the meat of blood, foam and dirt. Change the water every 2 hours during the day.
- After 24 hours, put a pot of meat on the fire, bring the broth to a boil and cook 4-5 hours. Don't forget to remove the foam. Also remember that khash is brewed without salt.
- The simplest soup is ready. No wonder hash is translated as "var" or "navar". Right off the fire, hot, serve the dish to the table. Make sure to add garlic and stir.
- Add the pieces of lavash to the plate, don't forget to salt. With soup, you should eat radish.
Hash preparations In the East, only men are trusted. The process itself, as you can see, takes almost a day and a half, but the result is worth it. Such a dish with garlic and radish, of course, is not suitable for a festive table or business lunch.

Eating. khash in the company of loved ones. And more often eat without spoons, bare hands, which hardly fits into the framework of modern etiquette. But if you are invited to taste khash, then you are your own person, because such a meal is not shared with strangers.
In Armenia khash It is considered even a medicinal dish, which is considered curative by official medicine. He is credited with the property of restoring strength after prolonged illnesses or giving strength before exhausting work.
If you like oriental cuisine, then we offer a recipe for Armenian dolma. The dish turned out to be so delicious that it quickly became the property of many people in the Middle East, Europe, and even Africa.