Pulling the spine at home
Almost every modern person has problems with the back and spine. It doesn’t matter how old a person is. It is all about a sedentary lifestyle and low physical activity. The spine is most often curved or subsided, the center of gravity is shifted, and the pelvic bones are not at the same height. And this is very detrimental to the condition of internal organs.
So today's editorial office. "Site" share with you spinal from Alexander Drozhennikov, which will help put the internal organs in place. You can do it for prevention, even if you need it!
Exercise can be performed by everyone, repeating every day several times. Those whose spine and organs are omitted, it will help to return them to their place, and everyone else will serve as an excellent prevention. A sagging stomach, a lowered stomach, incontinence, a weak rectum - all this and even more solves one simple exercise.
Below you can see a video in which Alexander Drozennikov It tells you more about the exercise and also shows it clearly. But in the meantime, let's figure out how to do it.
DepositPhotos So, the initial standing position, socks and heels together. Keep your feet pressed to the floor without tearing them off during exercise. Hands on the sides of the body, put your hands on the hip bones. Now start slowly pulling your body up, feeling it stretching. Take your time, do everything slowly and carefully. Pull your whole body up.
Then put your hands on your chest, continuing to stretch up. Feel how each of your vertebrae stretches up and your back straightens. You'll feel tense, that's normal. At the highest point where you can stretch your spine, put your hands down and relax them. Shoulders and hands are relaxed, and you only reach upwards with your neck as high as possible.
Right during the exercise, you will feel your vision improve and your head stops being heavy. Hold in this position, and then tighten all the muscles of the pelvis. Breathe deeply and lift them up. And the final stage, strain all the muscles of the body: starting from the tips of the fingers and rising higher. Fingers, lower legs, hips, pelvis, stomach, buttocks and back – feel every muscle in the body. Breathe very deeply.
Hold on for a minute and then relax and breathe deeply. You may feel dizzy, so breathe slowly and do not make sudden movements. That's the exercise. With a sifted spine, all internal organs are lowered. This exercise will help to return them to their place and stretch the sagging spine. If you do exercise for prevention, it is enough to do it twice a day, but regularly.
If you have problems with your spine or internal organs, do the exercise as often as you can. After two weeks of regular performance, you will feel changes in the body: you will become healthier, and you will feel better. If you have problems with the spine, you can add to this exercise to strengthen the spine from Drozennikov.
And here is a video where you can see the technique of the exercise.
And do not forget that a healthy spine is the key to our longevity and well-being. Therefore, be sure to perform a set of exercises every day to strengthen the back. Take care!
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So today's editorial office. "Site" share with you spinal from Alexander Drozhennikov, which will help put the internal organs in place. You can do it for prevention, even if you need it!
Exercise can be performed by everyone, repeating every day several times. Those whose spine and organs are omitted, it will help to return them to their place, and everyone else will serve as an excellent prevention. A sagging stomach, a lowered stomach, incontinence, a weak rectum - all this and even more solves one simple exercise.
Below you can see a video in which Alexander Drozennikov It tells you more about the exercise and also shows it clearly. But in the meantime, let's figure out how to do it.

DepositPhotos So, the initial standing position, socks and heels together. Keep your feet pressed to the floor without tearing them off during exercise. Hands on the sides of the body, put your hands on the hip bones. Now start slowly pulling your body up, feeling it stretching. Take your time, do everything slowly and carefully. Pull your whole body up.
Then put your hands on your chest, continuing to stretch up. Feel how each of your vertebrae stretches up and your back straightens. You'll feel tense, that's normal. At the highest point where you can stretch your spine, put your hands down and relax them. Shoulders and hands are relaxed, and you only reach upwards with your neck as high as possible.

Right during the exercise, you will feel your vision improve and your head stops being heavy. Hold in this position, and then tighten all the muscles of the pelvis. Breathe deeply and lift them up. And the final stage, strain all the muscles of the body: starting from the tips of the fingers and rising higher. Fingers, lower legs, hips, pelvis, stomach, buttocks and back – feel every muscle in the body. Breathe very deeply.
Hold on for a minute and then relax and breathe deeply. You may feel dizzy, so breathe slowly and do not make sudden movements. That's the exercise. With a sifted spine, all internal organs are lowered. This exercise will help to return them to their place and stretch the sagging spine. If you do exercise for prevention, it is enough to do it twice a day, but regularly.

If you have problems with your spine or internal organs, do the exercise as often as you can. After two weeks of regular performance, you will feel changes in the body: you will become healthier, and you will feel better. If you have problems with the spine, you can add to this exercise to strengthen the spine from Drozennikov.
And here is a video where you can see the technique of the exercise.
And do not forget that a healthy spine is the key to our longevity and well-being. Therefore, be sure to perform a set of exercises every day to strengthen the back. Take care!
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