The pulling of the moon and a few SUPER qigong exercises for weight loss
The Eastern approach to getting rid of excess weight is different from the West. Have you ever noticed that some overweight people eat very little and still remain full; some thin people eat a lot but remain thin. The problem lies in the disruption of the hormonal system. In terms of Chinese medicine we can talk about the disharmony of Yin and Yang.
The body is a unique mechanism, Autonomous systems which operate without error, provided that the qi is flowing harmoniously. Exercises qigong enhance this flow. Therefore in this practice, you can eat anything you want without limits, while maintaining a slender figure.
Pulling the moonLie on the bed or floor, hands extend along the body. Raise both legs to 60 cm or so, but not higher than 50 cm from the floor. Pull socks.
Keeping the legs together and without bending the knees, describe a circle in the air toes of the feet. The initial direction of rotation – clockwise or counterclockwise – doesn't matter. The movement must be very slow – not less than half a minute to one revolution. If you can, make several turns in the same direction. If not, slowly lower the legs and relax for a few seconds. Then repeat in the opposite direction. Again the reminder – the movement must be very slow.
Get some rest and repeat the procedure – same number of rotations clockwise and counterclockwise.
The exercise is called the"Pulling of the moon." Like many other qigong exercises, technique is embarrassingly simple. The secret is that you should do each regularly and consistently morning and evening. It is recommended in the morning before getting out of bed, and in the evening before bedtime. In connection with the exercise does not need any restrictions. You can have sex before or after exercise – it will not hurt.
Over time, increase the number of spins. By the time when you can do ten circles in each direction, you will have to change the wardrobe!
In the morning, making the "Pulling of the moon", get up and do "Lifting the Sky". In the evening you can change the sequence and after exercise immediately go to sleep. Perform these exercises at least three months or for as long as your waist will not gain acceptable shape. Then you can add the following two exercises.
Breeding water
Stand straight with feet together. Hands in front of you at shoulder level. Thumbs down, palms point forward. Fingers nearly touch each other, as shown in the figure. Without bending arms at the elbows and keeping the palms at right angles to the wrists, arms in hand, all the while keeping your palms at shoulder level.
At the same time, gently and deeply inhale through the nose, filling the air chest. During inhalation lift the chest as high as you can. Imagine how positive cosmic energy feeds and strengthens your chest. Pause for one or two seconds. Then slowly exhale through your mouth.
Repeat the exercise about ten times. Gradually increase the number of turns to twenty. Complete the exercise with your hands down through the sides down at the same point the palm to the ground, put your hands down and simultaneously exhale through the mouth.
The circular flow of Qi
Stand straight with feet shoulder width apart, arms down along the hips. Rotate the hips as if you were turning a hula Hoop. Making thirty times in any direction, do the same in the opposite direction.
After rotation, close your eyes; stand still and think about the flow of Chi around your waist. Start driving, obeying the direction of the flow, and enjoy the spontaneous circulation of qi. With tenderness think about how qi redistributes your flesh, creating a perfect body. Ten minutes later, or when you enjoy to the full, mentally stop the movement. At the end of the exercise, do facial massage.
If you have a good figure and you want to maintain or improve, perform all four exercises: "Lifting the Sky", "the Pulling of the moon", "Breeding water" and "the Circular flow of Qi". If you have large fat deposits in the waist area only perform "Lifting the Sky and pull the moon" for three months and only then move on to two other exercises.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: qiclub.ru/qigong-skinny-wong-kiew-kit.html
The body is a unique mechanism, Autonomous systems which operate without error, provided that the qi is flowing harmoniously. Exercises qigong enhance this flow. Therefore in this practice, you can eat anything you want without limits, while maintaining a slender figure.

Pulling the moonLie on the bed or floor, hands extend along the body. Raise both legs to 60 cm or so, but not higher than 50 cm from the floor. Pull socks.
Keeping the legs together and without bending the knees, describe a circle in the air toes of the feet. The initial direction of rotation – clockwise or counterclockwise – doesn't matter. The movement must be very slow – not less than half a minute to one revolution. If you can, make several turns in the same direction. If not, slowly lower the legs and relax for a few seconds. Then repeat in the opposite direction. Again the reminder – the movement must be very slow.
Get some rest and repeat the procedure – same number of rotations clockwise and counterclockwise.
The exercise is called the"Pulling of the moon." Like many other qigong exercises, technique is embarrassingly simple. The secret is that you should do each regularly and consistently morning and evening. It is recommended in the morning before getting out of bed, and in the evening before bedtime. In connection with the exercise does not need any restrictions. You can have sex before or after exercise – it will not hurt.
Over time, increase the number of spins. By the time when you can do ten circles in each direction, you will have to change the wardrobe!
In the morning, making the "Pulling of the moon", get up and do "Lifting the Sky". In the evening you can change the sequence and after exercise immediately go to sleep. Perform these exercises at least three months or for as long as your waist will not gain acceptable shape. Then you can add the following two exercises.
Breeding water
Stand straight with feet together. Hands in front of you at shoulder level. Thumbs down, palms point forward. Fingers nearly touch each other, as shown in the figure. Without bending arms at the elbows and keeping the palms at right angles to the wrists, arms in hand, all the while keeping your palms at shoulder level.
At the same time, gently and deeply inhale through the nose, filling the air chest. During inhalation lift the chest as high as you can. Imagine how positive cosmic energy feeds and strengthens your chest. Pause for one or two seconds. Then slowly exhale through your mouth.
Repeat the exercise about ten times. Gradually increase the number of turns to twenty. Complete the exercise with your hands down through the sides down at the same point the palm to the ground, put your hands down and simultaneously exhale through the mouth.
The circular flow of Qi
Stand straight with feet shoulder width apart, arms down along the hips. Rotate the hips as if you were turning a hula Hoop. Making thirty times in any direction, do the same in the opposite direction.
After rotation, close your eyes; stand still and think about the flow of Chi around your waist. Start driving, obeying the direction of the flow, and enjoy the spontaneous circulation of qi. With tenderness think about how qi redistributes your flesh, creating a perfect body. Ten minutes later, or when you enjoy to the full, mentally stop the movement. At the end of the exercise, do facial massage.
If you have a good figure and you want to maintain or improve, perform all four exercises: "Lifting the Sky", "the Pulling of the moon", "Breeding water" and "the Circular flow of Qi". If you have large fat deposits in the waist area only perform "Lifting the Sky and pull the moon" for three months and only then move on to two other exercises.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: qiclub.ru/qigong-skinny-wong-kiew-kit.html