Recognized deficit zinc in organism

Zinc is essential for every cell in the body: it plays a key role in cellular metabolism, immune and digestive systems, wound healing and reproductive health. But it's not talked about as much as magnesium or calcium. I must say that diagnosing zinc deficiency is a difficult task, symptoms zinc deficiency They may be similar to symptoms of lack of other important vitamins and minerals.


Editorial "Site" I will tell you why it is so important. zinc How to identify its deficiency in the body.

Zinc deficiency is present in many foods, especially oysters, lamb, river fish and poultry meat. However, the deficiency of this trace element can earn anyone who is on diets or eats unbalanced. Also at risk are those who take calcium not as prescribed by a doctor, because it reduces the digestibility of zinc.


Also, doctors remind that zinc deficiency can develop for reasons such as vegetarianism, diabetes, cancer, thyroid problems, excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, coffee abuse (more than 3 cups a day), damage due to burns, poisoning, postoperative recovery period, prolonged use of hormonal drugs.


Symptoms of zinc deficiency change with age. For example, children may experience growth retardation, loss of appetite, poor mood. In the elderly, zinc deficiency causes problems with immunity and brain function. Therefore, it is very important after 45 years to take a blood test from time to time to identify a deficiency of this trace element.


Scientists have established a link between a lack of zinc and the development of prostate adenoma in men. In addition, the quantity and quality of sperm deteriorates, testosterone production decreases, which can cause impotence and infertility. With the depletion of zinc reserves in the body, inflammatory joint diseases often occur. Malignant tumors develop much faster with a lack of this trace element.

Signs of zinc deficiency in the body
  1. Prolonged healing of small wounds and abrasions.
  2. Fragility of nails and hair loss.
  3. Trembling hands.


  4. Nervousness, irritability and rapid fatigue.
  5. Poor coordination.
  6. Reduced sense of smell and taste.
  7. Frequent stomatitis.


  8. Impaired night vision.
  9. Allergic rashes on the hands.
  10. Deterioration of appetite and frequent upset stomach.


Vitamins B2 and B6 increase the availability of this trace element for the body and reduce its excretion in the urine, but calcium, on the contrary, worsens the absorption of zinc. Most vitamin-mineral complexes contain zinc, so everyone, especially people after 45 years, is recommended to take them periodically. Just keep in mind that first you need to consult a doctor to choose the necessary vitamin complex.

Tell us in the comments, do you take tests to identify the lack of vitamins and trace elements in the body. Share this article with your friends on social media!

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