How to use green walnuts to promote health

We offer you a recipe for longevity, inherited from your grandmother from the village. Everyone in her family lived a long time, had good immunity and excellent eyesight. And all thanks to green walnuts.

In the village, it was believed that nature has all the components necessary to maintain health and longevity. And no medicine is needed if you can use natural gifts for your own benefit.


Green walnut Ingredients for the preparation of therapeutic tincture from young nuts
  • 15 big green nuts
  • 30g yeast
  • 1 kg of sugar
  • 2 l of water


  1. The nuts should be unripe and soft so that they can be easily cut with rings. Cut them fine and pour them into a three-liter jar.


  2. Dissolve yeast in two liters of boiled warm water. Then add sugar to it.

  3. Pour the resulting liquid into a can of nuts. Cover a jar of gauze and put it in a warm but dark place.


  4. In a month, the tincture will be ready. Strain it before using it. Take two tablespoons a day between meals.


Green walnut peel It is no less useful than the fruit itself. It should not be confused with the shell.

It contains calcium, iodine, zinc, iron, magnesium, and vitamin C is 50 times more than in lemon. It is absolutely safe and healing for the human body.

In addition to tincture, they also make green-nut jam. It is not as useful as medicinal infusion. Several times boiling, it loses some useful properties. But it's delicious. Something like peanut butter. If you are interested in a recipe, write in the comments.

About how to use other parts of the plant, for example, walnut leaves, we wrote in our previous article. And also about the benefits of ripe walnut fruits for the body. A miracle, not a tree.


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