List of therapeutic Ayurvedic spices
Herbs are usually used as a treatment for diseases, improving well-being, increasing energy and vitality of a person. In addition, herbs and spices from them are also used as seasonings and flavors to improve the taste properties of food. They are actively used in medicine, food industry and cosmetics production. In recent years, herbs have gained widespread popularity and recognition around the world for their ease of use, safety and effectiveness in achieving harmony between body and nature.
Whether you are a beginner in Ayurveda or an experienced practitioner of Eastern healing principles, it would be a good idea to have a handy list of Ayurvedic herbs. Why? At least in order not to get confused among a huge variety of names and know what diseases are suitable for plantation.
Ayurveda has preserved for us the oldest healing system. For several thousand years, Ayurvedic herbs have treated diseases, prevented infections and healed the body as a whole. We have compiled a list of the most amazing potions that you should immediately include in your daily life. It is possible that half of these herbs are already in your kitchen!
Top 10 Ayurvedic Herbs
Healing plants Herbs have always been respected around the world and across cultures. Before the pharmaceutical industry, our ancestors survived through the healing power of the earth.
An indisputable fact: herbs cleanse the body and help it resist diseases on its own. Unlike synthetic drugs, herbs may not give instant results, but they eventually lead the body to a natural state of harmony.
If you find the list of Ayurvedic remedies effective, then attach this article to your Facebook page and share love with those who need herbal superpowers!
Whether you are a beginner in Ayurveda or an experienced practitioner of Eastern healing principles, it would be a good idea to have a handy list of Ayurvedic herbs. Why? At least in order not to get confused among a huge variety of names and know what diseases are suitable for plantation.

Ayurveda has preserved for us the oldest healing system. For several thousand years, Ayurvedic herbs have treated diseases, prevented infections and healed the body as a whole. We have compiled a list of the most amazing potions that you should immediately include in your daily life. It is possible that half of these herbs are already in your kitchen!
Top 10 Ayurvedic Herbs
- turmeric
Turmeric, or turmeric, is considered a cure for all diseases. This and antibioticAnd a painkiller. Accelerates metabolism, reduces cholesterol and sugar, improves liver function and blood circulation. Turmeric reduces the temperature, treats colds and fever, various infections, has a positive effect on the female and male sexual sphere.
DepositPhotos - Ashwagandha (vitania sleeping pills)
Experts in the field of healthy nutrition agreed that ashwagandha is one of the best means to increase the body's resistance to the environment. The plant is called Indian ginseng. It strengthens the immune system and increases female fertility. Ashwagandha relieves fatigue, slows aging and enhances sexual desire.
DepositPhotos - Cinnamon
Fragrant cinnamon improves blood circulation and reproductive health of men and women. The spice also treats headaches, flu, digestive disorder, reduces cholesterol. Infusion, decoction and cinnamon powder are used as a stimulating, sweatshop, windmill, improving metabolism, expectorant, diuretic, analgesic.
DepositPhotos - cardamom
Cardamom should be used more often for those who have problems with the central nervous and cardiovascular systems. Green odorous boxes of cardamom are used to treat indigestion, nausea, morning sickness and asthma. It's being used as sedativeAphrodisiac, antioxidant, to increase mood and with caffeine intoxication.
DepositPhotos - aloe vera
This medicinal plant is a natural rich storage of many active substances. Ayurvedic therapists recommend aloe vera for a number of digestive-related diseases, such as increased acidity, excessive gas formation in the intestines, indigestion, constipation, loss of appetite, and hemorrhoids. Fresh juice of the plant is applied to the skin of the face to lighten pigment spots.
DepositPhotos - Kumin (zira)
It is often confused with cumin, they are very similar in appearance, as they belong to the same family, but they are completely different in taste and properties. Cumin seeds smaller and thin in appearance, have a pronounced nutty, bitter with sour smell. Zira acts as an analgesic, soothing, expectorant, wind-burning, diuretic, lactogonal property. The plant strengthens the intestines, enhances digestion, improves appetite, helps to cope with nausea, treats dysentery and eczema.
DepositPhotos - Nim (margoza)
Neem, or Niim, or Azadirakhta of India is known as the “village pharmacy”, “divine tree” and “panacea for all diseases”. The plant has antiseptic properties, improves the condition of the skin and heals the oral cavity. In Ayurvedic medicine, it is the main component of helminthic, antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, antidiabetic and sedative drugs. Tree-based remedies are used to treat acne, psoriasis, allergies, herpes and hepatitis.
DepositPhotos - Coriander (kinza)
This plant is familiar to many gardeners and lovers of Borodino bread. Cilantro helps with obesity, due to its properties to remove fat from the body. Coriander is used not only as a seasoning, but also brewed as tea, taken before or after meals with congestive phenomena in the liver, to increase appetite. Fresh greens are rich phytoestrogens (plant analogues of female sex hormones) and is used for diseases of the pelvic organs, endometriosis, as a monthly purifier. Coriander also expels intestinal parasites and purifies the blood.
DepositPhotos - Amla (amalaki)
Indian gooseberry, or amla, is one of the most powerful rejuvenating plants of Ayurvedic medicine. Amla is a powerful antioxidant. One amla fruit has six times more ascorbic acid than the whole lemon. Drugs with amla are prescribed for disorders with bleeding, hemorrhoids, anemia, diabetes, gout, gastritis, colitis, hepatitis, osteoporosis, diseased liver and spleen, premature gray hair and hair loss, mental disorders.
DepositPhotos - Licorice (liquorice)
Licorice has long been known for its healing properties in our regions. It is she who is part of the popular licorice sweets and cough syrups. Licorice increases immunity, treats throat diseases, colds, cough, gastritis, heartburn, strengthens a weak liver and heals ulcers.
Healing plants Herbs have always been respected around the world and across cultures. Before the pharmaceutical industry, our ancestors survived through the healing power of the earth.
An indisputable fact: herbs cleanse the body and help it resist diseases on its own. Unlike synthetic drugs, herbs may not give instant results, but they eventually lead the body to a natural state of harmony.
If you find the list of Ayurvedic remedies effective, then attach this article to your Facebook page and share love with those who need herbal superpowers!