How to determine the state of health by appearance
Are you always happy with your reflection in the mirror? Of course, bruises under the eyes can be attributed to lack of sleep or bad weather, and jumped on the forehead pimple attributed to eaten the day before smoked sausage.
But what if these skin defects are not accidental, but serious symptoms of internal organ dysfunction? In appearance, according to the condition of the skin, nails, hair and even by gait, you can accurately determine the first signs of an incipient disease.
At one time, Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov compiled the atlas “Face of the patient”. He argued that almost every disease leaves its characteristic mark on the face of a person.
In our time, special computer programs have been created that are able to recognize diseases and even rare genetic syndromes by the features of the patient with an accuracy of 70%.
Such a program represents a person in the form of a diagram of key points. By comparing the position of these points and the distance between them with information from the database, the computer makes a preliminary diagnosis long before other clinical manifestations of the disease appear. This is critically important in some cases.
The disease is here.
Red streaks in the sclera - a signal of nervous exhaustion, chronic fatigue. The yellowness of the sclera indicates a diseased liver. If the area around the eyes has a pale pink color, diseases of the bladder, prostate gland are possible.
Dark circles and bags under the eyes can mean a diseased kidney or bladder. The loss of eyelashes signals a general decrease in immunity and a lack of B vitamins. It is also a possible symptom of insufficient function of the sex glands.
“Wet” gloss of the eyes, swelling of the eyelids and some buds may indicate hyperthyroidism – increased activity of the thyroid gland. Probably, this disease suffered a mysterious model, which wrote his “Unknown” Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoy.
Each zone in our language is a projection of a certain organ, and if some organ is affected, then the appearance and color of the language itself change. Plaque on the tongue also indicates that something is wrong in the body: the thicker the plaque, the more the corresponding organ is affected.
We recognize the cute one by walking
By the way you look, you can easily determine the state of your body, identify health problems that you may already have or are just beginning to manifest.
All you need to do is take a close look at yourself and your family. But do not rush to conclusions, do not diagnose yourself and do not self-medicate. If you notice any changes, consult a doctor and undergo an examination.
Chinese doctors claim that the occurrence of deep wrinkles in certain areas can be a sign of diseases of internal organs. Our editorial staff will tell you how to read the wrinkle map and what it can tell you.
"Site" Shares a simple test that will easily help determine if your liver is okay and if it is time to see a doctor.

But what if these skin defects are not accidental, but serious symptoms of internal organ dysfunction? In appearance, according to the condition of the skin, nails, hair and even by gait, you can accurately determine the first signs of an incipient disease.
At one time, Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov compiled the atlas “Face of the patient”. He argued that almost every disease leaves its characteristic mark on the face of a person.

In our time, special computer programs have been created that are able to recognize diseases and even rare genetic syndromes by the features of the patient with an accuracy of 70%.

Such a program represents a person in the form of a diagram of key points. By comparing the position of these points and the distance between them with information from the database, the computer makes a preliminary diagnosis long before other clinical manifestations of the disease appear. This is critically important in some cases.
The disease is here.
- Colour of face
Yellow tint of the skin occurs in diseases of the liver, grayish - heart. Earthy complexion, "dropped" face - a sign of the development of a tumor disease. Blue paleness of the face is a symptom of anemia or pulmonary pathology. If the face is red, it can be a sign of various skin diseases, as well as a consequence of magnesium deficiency in the body. And the waxy face. tuberculosis.
Yellowish skin tone, thinning hair, a small goiter - all these are signs of hypothyroidism (lack of thyroid hormones). This is the diagnosis scientists from the University of California (USA) saw in the Mona Lisa, depicted in the famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci.
Of course, one painting portrait is very difficult to make an accurate diagnosis, although such studies are interesting. - Skin rashes
Rashes on the skin are a real map of diseases. Their appearance on the forehead may indicate problems of the small intestine, on the upper lip and cheeks - the large intestine, if rash on the temples - check the gallbladder, the problem area on the chin - an occasion to consult a gynecologist.
DepositPhotos - Wrinkles
A deep fold between the eyebrows (especially in combination with tightly compressed lips) indicates that a person suffers from some chronic pain syndrome for a long time. Small wrinkles between the eyebrows, especially in combination with dark circles under the eyes - overloaded liver. You can find a link to the full wrinkle map at the end of this article.
DepositPhotos - Lip-reading.
Beginning heart failure manifests itself on the face by periodic blue lips. If you notice this, this is a serious reason to go to the doctor. White or pale lips may indicate anemia, blood circulation problems, and lymph. If there are brown specks on the lips, this may be a sign of helminthic invasion. Cracked lips indicate problems with the gastrointestinal tract. - Nose diagnosis
Veins of blood vessels on the nose appear in heart disease, as well as with high blood pressure. Blue-red coloration of the nose often indicates low blood pressure. Periodic or constant redness of the nose can also warn of chronic stomach disease. Thickening or pale nose wings characterize lung disease.
Red streaks in the sclera - a signal of nervous exhaustion, chronic fatigue. The yellowness of the sclera indicates a diseased liver. If the area around the eyes has a pale pink color, diseases of the bladder, prostate gland are possible.
Dark circles and bags under the eyes can mean a diseased kidney or bladder. The loss of eyelashes signals a general decrease in immunity and a lack of B vitamins. It is also a possible symptom of insufficient function of the sex glands.
“Wet” gloss of the eyes, swelling of the eyelids and some buds may indicate hyperthyroidism – increased activity of the thyroid gland. Probably, this disease suffered a mysterious model, which wrote his “Unknown” Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoy.

Each zone in our language is a projection of a certain organ, and if some organ is affected, then the appearance and color of the language itself change. Plaque on the tongue also indicates that something is wrong in the body: the thicker the plaque, the more the corresponding organ is affected.

- If the plaque is located at the base of the tongue, it means that the person has clearly disrupted the work of the gastrointestinal tract, and if the plaque on the tip of the tongue or on the edges - the lungs suffer.
- The redness of the tip in the middle and the bluish or purple color of the tongue report a weak heart.
- The curvature of the fold at the tip of the tongue indicates cervical osteochondrosis, in the middle - lumbar.
- Cracks on the tongue can signal kidney pathology, blood diseases, metabolic disorders and hormonal imbalance.
- Spots on the right side and yellowness on the tongue indicate problems with the liver and gallbladder, on the left side and in the middle talk about problems in the spleen.
We recognize the cute one by walking

- Gastrointestinal diseases
Shoulders are applied forward, as if protecting the chest and abdomen, the head is slightly drawn in, the arms are often clasped in the lock on the stomach. - Arthrosis, arthritis
The gait in which a person walks, as on prostheses, trying not to bend his legs in his knees, takes small steps. - Migraine
Holds the head with extreme caution, turning not the neck, but the entire body. - Vegetovascular dystonia, pressure problems
An insecure walk, like a constant search for support. - Gout or polyarthritis
A trembling gait, as if a man were walking on hot coals.
By the way you look, you can easily determine the state of your body, identify health problems that you may already have or are just beginning to manifest.
All you need to do is take a close look at yourself and your family. But do not rush to conclusions, do not diagnose yourself and do not self-medicate. If you notice any changes, consult a doctor and undergo an examination.
Chinese doctors claim that the occurrence of deep wrinkles in certain areas can be a sign of diseases of internal organs. Our editorial staff will tell you how to read the wrinkle map and what it can tell you.
"Site" Shares a simple test that will easily help determine if your liver is okay and if it is time to see a doctor.