Japanese exercise complex for flexible body
My great-grandfather is a centenarian. He's 92 now and he's in great physical shape. He still exercises every morning and looks 60 years old. What's his secret? It’s hard to say that, but he sincerely believes that he lived a long time only thanks to a set of exercises that his Japanese friend once shared with him.
Today's edition. "Site" He will tell you what the secret is. JapaneseThey help you live a long life.
It has long been known that the development of flexibility is the key to health and longevity. That's what the Japanese believe. While this has only become popular in recent years, Japan has been working on body flexibility exercises for centuries. Take, for example, the famous mako-ho technique used by geisha.
This set of exercises, when performed regularly, can improve health, improve blood circulation and relax muscles. The technique we're going to introduce you to today is very similar in nature, but the exercises are very different.
This complex is Junan Taiso, which was originally designed as a warm-up before martial arts. It was believed that after these exercises, the muscles were so relaxed that it was possible to perform any stroke without the risk of injury.
This relaxation will improve your flexibility. It is important to do these exercises correctly, which we will learn today.
Performing these exercises requires maximum concentration and calm. Don’t try to be flexible in one day, it takes time and patience. Maintain one rhythm of exercise, do not make sudden jerks, so as not to damage the muscles. And remember that exercises are best performed in this sequence, because otherwise they lose their effectiveness.
By exercising regularly, you’ll notice how your body becomes flexible, pain and tightness pass, and you feel much more active and healthy. So don’t be lazy and spend at least 15 minutes junan taiso every day. Before exercise, it would be nice to warm up by running or jumping.
The Japanese have always known a lot about various techniques that prolong life and improve health. Especially skillfully searched for various exercises geisha. Recently we wrote about a simple exercise of Japanese geisha, which helps to lose weight quickly.
It is clear that only exercise is not enough for longevity. It is also important to eat right and get rid of excess weight. If you want to be healthy and keep your body in shape, we suggest you take advantage of a wonderful weight loss program that helps you get in shape in just 12 weeks.
How do you feel about exercise? If you like it, share it with your friends!

Today's edition. "Site" He will tell you what the secret is. JapaneseThey help you live a long life.
It has long been known that the development of flexibility is the key to health and longevity. That's what the Japanese believe. While this has only become popular in recent years, Japan has been working on body flexibility exercises for centuries. Take, for example, the famous mako-ho technique used by geisha.
This set of exercises, when performed regularly, can improve health, improve blood circulation and relax muscles. The technique we're going to introduce you to today is very similar in nature, but the exercises are very different.
This complex is Junan Taiso, which was originally designed as a warm-up before martial arts. It was believed that after these exercises, the muscles were so relaxed that it was possible to perform any stroke without the risk of injury.
This relaxation will improve your flexibility. It is important to do these exercises correctly, which we will learn today.

- Lean forward
This exercise is familiar to those who have done at least a little stretching. Starting position sitting, legs extended. Take your socks over yourself, bent your feet at an angle of about 70 degrees. This tilt will help keep the knees straight, which is very important for proper exercise. Now sit down, straighten your back, stretch your arms parallel to the floor and start slowly reaching for your toes. No sudden movements, breathe deeply and with each exhalation try to relax and lean lower. First, you can wrap your hands around your feet to stretch even more. Eventually, you can reach to your heels and touch the floor.
DepositPhotos - Stretching with divorced legs
Same starting point. Spread your legs to the sides as wide as possible, take your toes to yourself and straighten your knees. Now lean to the left with your hands around your foot. Hold in this position for a while, exhaling lower. Then straighten up and repeat the same movement to the right. Now stretch out your arms in front of you, squeeze them into your fists and put them on the floor. Lean forward, trying to touch your fists with your head. Then try to touch the floor with your head and, if you can, your chest. Your task is to stretch the muscles of the legs, hips and backs as much as possible.
DepositPhotos - Butterfly
Connect the soles of both feet in front of the groin area. Heels should be in line with the knees and at the distance of the fist from the body. Cover your feet with your hands, keep your back straight, lower your shoulders. Now start rhythmically raising and lowering your knees. Breathe deeply and try to relax your muscles. When you get into a rhythm and relax, your knees can drop to the floor. Staying in this position, lean forward. Keep your back straight and point your head in front of your feet. Bend down as slowly as possible and continue to breathe deeply. This exercise will help stretch the muscles of the hips, groin and legs. The back is also stretched up to the tailbone.
DepositPhotos - Stretching in seiza posture
Now get on your knees and sit on your heels in seiza. Now turn slowly to the left, reaching the maximum point, put the left hand on the floor and linger briefly in this position. Try to touch the floor and your right hand. Then repeat the same to the right. Now slowly and carefully try to lie down on the floor, but only if you feel you can do it. These twists will help increase the flexibility of the back and align the spine.
DepositPhotos - Swinging
Sit down, cross your legs, straighten your lower back. Place the left foot in front of the right, which is tucked under the thigh. The gap between the feet should be approximately 20 cm. Now straighten your back, relax your shoulders and look in front of you. Put your hands on top of your feet. Lean a little forward, then gently push your feet off the floor, lower your chin to your chest, round your back and gently roll back. Take care not to hit your head. To do this, start the reverse movement when the feet will point directly into the ceiling. At the highest point, straighten your legs and stretch your socks.
Returning to the starting position, take the chin from the chest, at the same time start straightening the back. In the air, change the position of the legs so that the right foot is in front. Repeat 10 of them. The purpose of this exercise is to massage the spine. This helps to relax all the muscles of the spine.
Performing these exercises requires maximum concentration and calm. Don’t try to be flexible in one day, it takes time and patience. Maintain one rhythm of exercise, do not make sudden jerks, so as not to damage the muscles. And remember that exercises are best performed in this sequence, because otherwise they lose their effectiveness.
By exercising regularly, you’ll notice how your body becomes flexible, pain and tightness pass, and you feel much more active and healthy. So don’t be lazy and spend at least 15 minutes junan taiso every day. Before exercise, it would be nice to warm up by running or jumping.
The Japanese have always known a lot about various techniques that prolong life and improve health. Especially skillfully searched for various exercises geisha. Recently we wrote about a simple exercise of Japanese geisha, which helps to lose weight quickly.
It is clear that only exercise is not enough for longevity. It is also important to eat right and get rid of excess weight. If you want to be healthy and keep your body in shape, we suggest you take advantage of a wonderful weight loss program that helps you get in shape in just 12 weeks.
How do you feel about exercise? If you like it, share it with your friends!