Face mask with gelatin

When I walk with my mother, she is often mistaken for my classmate. And when they find out that she is my mother, they admire: “You look like two girlfriends not much older than your daughter!” Mom's over 50! I am very proud that she looks young and attractive. Once again I am convinced that beauty does not have to spend a lot of time and money.


Every woman dreams of prolonging her youth. I want to never meet with wrinkles, pigmentation and withering skin. But, alas, sooner or later these problems appear in the life of every representative of the fair sex. Of course, you can stock up on expensive cosmetics, make Botox injections, take anti-aging pills ... But are these procedures safe? And the price is an important question.

Everyone knows what's good. makeup Can compete with the elite. And sometimes it surpasses it in many ways. And tonight.It's easy.! will tell you about the home miracle remedy, which cosmetologists call “black Botox”.


The incredible effect of lifting and rejuvenating the face when using black Botox is very easy to explain. It's all about the main ingredient - gelatin, which is a natural source of useful substances for the skin. Gelatin contains protein, keratin, vitamins, trace elements and amino acids.

Also in the composition of food gelatin is collagen. It increases the elasticity of the skin and flattens. In short, an indispensable tool for tired and wilting skin. I use a gelatin mask 1 time per week. Before the procedure, I make a steam bath. After the first application, the face looks like in a magazine!

To get the maximum effect from the mask, you need to add a special component to it that normalizes the condition of the skin, relieves age-related rashes, deeply cleanses the pores and improves complexion.

Face masks for wrinkles with gelatin Not suitable for very dry skin. They are contraindicated with dilated capillaries on the face and couperosis (visible vascular mesh on the skin). Also refuse to use if there are wounds or inflammations on the skin.


You'll need it.
  • 1 tsp gelatin
  • 2 tsp milk or water
  • 1 tablet of activated carbon

Gelatin and activated carbon – face mask #1 to slow the aging process and prolong youth.

  1. Grind a tablet of activated carbon into a powder. Mix with gelatin and add cold milk.
  2. Stir it carefully. Don't worry that gelatin hasn't dissolved, it should. Put the mixture in the microwave for 15 seconds or stir in a water bath until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Let the mask cool to room temperature.

  3. Apply the mask, "driving" into the pores with a hard brush or fingertips. Keep 15 minutes on your face. The mask should dry completely and turn into a film.
  4. At the end of time, carefully remove the mask, putting your fingers behind the edges. Remove the remains with warm water. Problems with removal should not be, the mask turns into a film and is well removed.

  5. Together with the film, all dirt and sebaceous plugs in the skin pores are removed from the face. The face becomes perfectly clean, the natural shine and radiance return.
  6. After using the mask, rub your face with a lotion that narrows the pores, then apply a moisturizer.
  7. Apply the mask no more than 1 time per week.


To look beautiful, you do not need to spend fabulous amounts. Homemade creams and masks are not only savings, but also a huge gain in quality. You can use a variety of natural ingredients without dyes and preservatives.

And get rid of the “crow’s feet” around the eyes will help cream with almond oil, which will return radiance and elasticity to your skin.

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