Mask of cocoa for the face: it is difficult to find an easy way to refresh tired skin

Cocoa - a product loved by everyone since childhood. Those happy years are behind us, and it is time to use this wonderful drink several other purposes. Cosmetic face mask with cocoa - a real godsend for aging skin that needs special care. Pleasant on sensations, refreshing and rejuvenating, this mask will certainly want to taste you.
< How does the mask for the face of cocoa?
How can we explain such a wonderful effect on the skin masks for the face of cocoa, cooked his own hand? The thing in the unique chemical composition of cocoa powder, which includes a large number of different nutrients. Each of them, getting into the skin cells, performs its work:
- niacin (vitamin PP) returns the skin a natural, healthy complexion; strong> vitamin a fights inflammation and dryness of the skin, so that the mask with cocoa for the face to be an excellent tool for problem dry skin;
- pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) rejuvenating, smoothing out wrinkles;
- folic acid (vitamin B9) calms irritated skin and inflammation foci, so for acne and acne this mask would be therapeutic;
- iron will ensure the access of oxygen to the cells;
- potassium need to moisten;
- calcium < / is the building material for the skin cells;
- starch whitens pigmented skin and softens it, making it soft and pleasant to the touch
. If the mask for the face of cocoa done regularly (and rather than once a week), a comprehensive skin nutrition will affect the most wonderful way to your skin.
Face mask of cocoa: indications and contraindications
Who can recommend a mask of cocoa for regular use? Since the spectrum of their actions is universal, they are for all skin types are useful and nutritious:
- dry skin moisturizing;
Universal mask for the face of cocoa has practically no contraindications. However, very often on the components of the powder may be allergic reactions. Perhaps the idiosyncrasy of cocoa - the only contraindication for the use of such a mask
The best recipes for face masks with cocoa
. Any homemade facial masks of cocoa prepared quite easily. Try to milk and eggs, used in the preparation of masks, were household: this effect by the cosmetic product is increasing. Because vegetable oils give preference to olive, and water is recommended to use only filtered (can be non-carbonated mineral).
< Honey mask with cocoa for all skin types
Honey mask with cocoa facial suitable for all skin types. Cocoa powder (a tablespoon) mixed with honey, which is better to warm up in a water bath (a tablespoon), corn flour (a tablespoon). Thoroughly mix all ingredients and dilute with water until creamy.
< sugar with cocoa mask with peeling effect
Cocoa powder (3 tablespoons) mixed with warmed honey (2 tablespoons), brown or white sugar (2 tablespoons). Apply the mask to rubbing in a circular motion. Time of action - not more than 10 minutes. Mask perfectly cleanses the pores.
< Rejuvenating mask with vitamin E
Cocoa powder (3 tablespoons) mixed with liquid, warm honey (2 tablespoons), yogurt (tablespoon) and the E vitamin pharmacy (1 capsule).
< Universal mask with clay strong >
Cocoa powder (3 tablespoons) mixed with cosmetic clay (2 tablespoons), yogurt (2 tablespoons), coconut oil (a teaspoon) fresh lemon juice (a teaspoon)
Chocolate mask for
problem skin Cocoa powder (a tablespoon) mixed with grated chocolate (2 tablespoons), homogenized cheese (tablespoon) and a pinch of cinnamon. Bring mixture to a creamy state in a water bath, cool and apply on face special brush.
< milky coffee mask for oily skin
Cocoa powder (a tablespoon) mixed with finely ground coffee (tablespoon), diluted with milk or cream (2 tablespoons). Mask eliminate shine.
< Rejuvenating mask from green tea
Cocoa powder (a tablespoon) mixed with green tea, freshly brewed (tablespoon), add honey (teaspoon) and dilute with water to the desired consistency.
Catching cooking wonderful drink for children, and do not forget to provide yourself, your favorite, high-grade skin care. Nutritious and so perfectly refreshing cocoa face masks should take its rightful place among your regular cosmetics.