Masks for oily skin made from natural products
Eighty eight million three hundred forty two thousand seven hundred eighty four
Natural ingredients get rid of greasy and to "debug" the sebaceous glands in the skin reducing the amount of fat.
For rinsing masks for oily skin to use it is best not simple water, slightly acidulated with a few drops of lemon juice or Apple cider vinegar. This action further a bit and gently dried the skin and regular use will adjust the secretion of sebum.
Masks for oily skin on the basis of fruits and berries
Mask raspberry
About 10 grams of raspberries (handful) grind through a sieve to remove the bones. In the raspberry mixture, add rye flour (a tablespoon). To avoid lumps, carefully knead. Apply to neck and face. Hold it no less than 15 minutes, and then rinse with warm acidified water. The skin needs to acquire a soft and velvety healthy look, in the surface tissue to normal fat metabolism.
Apple mask
You need to choose the Apple, preferably sour and medium in size, remove it from the core and grate. Apple, the resulting mass lightly sprinkle with lemon juice and add a teaspoon of yogurt (preferably if it is homemade), and mix all thoroughly. After applying the mask, hold for 15 minutes. Rinse as well as the last mask. Oily skin become smooth and soft, acne will are dried, the sebaceous glands will be settled.
Apricot mask
Have two or three apricot medium size remove seeds and clean them from the skin. Mash them to puree state. In the apricot puree, add a small spoon of yogurt and mix well. The recommended fat content should not exceed 2.5%. Apply the mask and keep for at least 20 minutes, rinse with acidified warm water. Oily skin is slower to garnet, will be minor inflammation.
Plum mask
You'll need 1-2 plums peel, and removing from them the seeds, the pulp mash with a wooden spatula. Mashed in the sink add a little spoon of oat flour and mix well to avoid lumps. Keep and wash as well as the previous mask. Oily skin will become matte and velvety, are minimal peeling, normalizes sebaceous glands, acne to dry.
Berry wrap
To regulate the sebaceous glands and eliminate Shine, you need to make a compress of the following berries:
Red currant
To make this poultice, you need to grind the berries through a sieve. This mush put on gauze and apply to the skin on the neck and face. The procedure on average should take 20 minutes.
Masks from vegetables for oily skin lisamorton mask
Small carrots should be grated on a grater and some lemon juice to sprinkle. Grind in a coffee grinder 1 tablespoon of rice to get the flour. Mix the rice flour with a teaspoon of olive oil, for this case use the unrefined oil. Rice-oil and carrot mass of mix and stir. Apply and keep for 20 minutes. In this recipe you will refresh your skin and dry acne, and inflammation.
Rice-cucumber mask
On a fine grater grate the cucumber of medium size. Into flour grind in a coffee grinder a tablespoon of rice. Mix rice flour and grated cucumber. Apply the mask for 20 minutes and hold it, rinse again, acidified water. As a result, oily skin will be brighter, it will become matte, inflammation will are dried.
The mask of hell
Grate the horseradish and give it to let the juice. Add the lemon juice and low fat sour cream (1 teaspoon). Mask, rinse after 15 min after application. The result normalizes skin metabolism and sebaceous secretions.
Masks for oily skin based on cultured milk productsmake with yogurt and green tea
Tablespoon of green tea, pour hot water and let it steep for 3 minutes. Not removing the leaves, add to warm tea, a tablespoon of yogurt and mix. If the mask is left in liquid for density add the starch. To put, keep and wash off this mask as well as the previous one. The result of all the masks is achieved similar. The skin after mask is toned, refreshed, etc.
Mask with cottage cheese and parsley
Chop the parsley. Mash in a mortar to get a juice. It mashed the parsley, add a spoonful of yogurt and a spoonful of cottage cheese (spoon to take table). Stir and add a little spoon of oatmeal. This mask is good moisturize oily skin, make it fresh, activates the skin's metabolic processes.
Mask of cottage cheese and cranberries
A tablespoon of low fat cottage cheese mix with one beaten egg whites. You need to stir them so as to obtain a homogeneous mass. In this mixture, a tablespoon of cranberry juice add. Juice definitely needs to be fresh.
Mask length oily skin based on airmask protein and grapefruit
1-2 slices of grapefruit, mash with a wooden shovel, clearing them before this film. Next, add the grapefruit to the egg whites (whipped). Oily skin is normalized to a normal level, the skin will become soft and fresh.
Protein-cherry mask
Mash 50-70 grams of cherries. Add beaten egg white and a spoon of starch. Apply the mask in a thick layer.
Mask protein and tomato for oily skin
Tomatoes need to be peeled and grind through a sieve. This tomato mass add a pinch of salt extra beaten egg white. Mix, but de give me the salt to dissolve. On face apply a thick layer and leave on for 20 minutes. As always rinse with acidified water.
Source: lubim-zhizn.ru/
Natural ingredients get rid of greasy and to "debug" the sebaceous glands in the skin reducing the amount of fat.
For rinsing masks for oily skin to use it is best not simple water, slightly acidulated with a few drops of lemon juice or Apple cider vinegar. This action further a bit and gently dried the skin and regular use will adjust the secretion of sebum.
Masks for oily skin on the basis of fruits and berries
Mask raspberry
About 10 grams of raspberries (handful) grind through a sieve to remove the bones. In the raspberry mixture, add rye flour (a tablespoon). To avoid lumps, carefully knead. Apply to neck and face. Hold it no less than 15 minutes, and then rinse with warm acidified water. The skin needs to acquire a soft and velvety healthy look, in the surface tissue to normal fat metabolism.
Apple mask
You need to choose the Apple, preferably sour and medium in size, remove it from the core and grate. Apple, the resulting mass lightly sprinkle with lemon juice and add a teaspoon of yogurt (preferably if it is homemade), and mix all thoroughly. After applying the mask, hold for 15 minutes. Rinse as well as the last mask. Oily skin become smooth and soft, acne will are dried, the sebaceous glands will be settled.
Apricot mask
Have two or three apricot medium size remove seeds and clean them from the skin. Mash them to puree state. In the apricot puree, add a small spoon of yogurt and mix well. The recommended fat content should not exceed 2.5%. Apply the mask and keep for at least 20 minutes, rinse with acidified warm water. Oily skin is slower to garnet, will be minor inflammation.
Plum mask
You'll need 1-2 plums peel, and removing from them the seeds, the pulp mash with a wooden spatula. Mashed in the sink add a little spoon of oat flour and mix well to avoid lumps. Keep and wash as well as the previous mask. Oily skin will become matte and velvety, are minimal peeling, normalizes sebaceous glands, acne to dry.
Berry wrap
To regulate the sebaceous glands and eliminate Shine, you need to make a compress of the following berries:
Red currant
To make this poultice, you need to grind the berries through a sieve. This mush put on gauze and apply to the skin on the neck and face. The procedure on average should take 20 minutes.
Masks from vegetables for oily skin lisamorton mask
Small carrots should be grated on a grater and some lemon juice to sprinkle. Grind in a coffee grinder 1 tablespoon of rice to get the flour. Mix the rice flour with a teaspoon of olive oil, for this case use the unrefined oil. Rice-oil and carrot mass of mix and stir. Apply and keep for 20 minutes. In this recipe you will refresh your skin and dry acne, and inflammation.
Rice-cucumber mask
On a fine grater grate the cucumber of medium size. Into flour grind in a coffee grinder a tablespoon of rice. Mix rice flour and grated cucumber. Apply the mask for 20 minutes and hold it, rinse again, acidified water. As a result, oily skin will be brighter, it will become matte, inflammation will are dried.
The mask of hell
Grate the horseradish and give it to let the juice. Add the lemon juice and low fat sour cream (1 teaspoon). Mask, rinse after 15 min after application. The result normalizes skin metabolism and sebaceous secretions.
Masks for oily skin based on cultured milk productsmake with yogurt and green tea
Tablespoon of green tea, pour hot water and let it steep for 3 minutes. Not removing the leaves, add to warm tea, a tablespoon of yogurt and mix. If the mask is left in liquid for density add the starch. To put, keep and wash off this mask as well as the previous one. The result of all the masks is achieved similar. The skin after mask is toned, refreshed, etc.
Mask with cottage cheese and parsley
Chop the parsley. Mash in a mortar to get a juice. It mashed the parsley, add a spoonful of yogurt and a spoonful of cottage cheese (spoon to take table). Stir and add a little spoon of oatmeal. This mask is good moisturize oily skin, make it fresh, activates the skin's metabolic processes.
Mask of cottage cheese and cranberries
A tablespoon of low fat cottage cheese mix with one beaten egg whites. You need to stir them so as to obtain a homogeneous mass. In this mixture, a tablespoon of cranberry juice add. Juice definitely needs to be fresh.
Mask length oily skin based on airmask protein and grapefruit
1-2 slices of grapefruit, mash with a wooden shovel, clearing them before this film. Next, add the grapefruit to the egg whites (whipped). Oily skin is normalized to a normal level, the skin will become soft and fresh.
Protein-cherry mask
Mash 50-70 grams of cherries. Add beaten egg white and a spoon of starch. Apply the mask in a thick layer.
Mask protein and tomato for oily skin
Tomatoes need to be peeled and grind through a sieve. This tomato mass add a pinch of salt extra beaten egg white. Mix, but de give me the salt to dissolve. On face apply a thick layer and leave on for 20 minutes. As always rinse with acidified water.
Source: lubim-zhizn.ru/
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