Recipe for bay fish in a multicooker
Not so long ago we got a multicooker, and I realized how versatile it is. Throw in all the ingredients, chose the right mode - and free. On holidays, when there is a lot of cooking, this is a wand. On the pre-holiday days, I instruct the multi-cooker to cook the most troublesome dish. filler.
And tonight. "Site" They tell you how to do it and share the recipe. multicooker.
Fish cold ingredients
Saury brew is a very nutritious and healthy dish. I won't speak for everyone, but for me, this bay was the only way to feed the kids fish. They do not like it very much, but the bay is weaved only like this!
Saira is a very delicious and healthy fish. Earlier we told you how to make healthy and nutritious saury soup.
You like baking? Then be sure to check out our recipe for an unusual two-tone bay with ham and cucumbers.
Did you like the recipe? Be sure to share with your friends.

And tonight. "Site" They tell you how to do it and share the recipe. multicooker.
Fish cold ingredients
- 500g saury
- 70g carrots
- 50g celery root
- 1 bulb
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 2-3 branches of fresh parsley
- 15g gelatin
- 1.5 liters of water
- salt and pepper
- It is worth noting that for bay you can use not only saury, but also any other fish that you like. I cook with saury, because I like its taste, besides, the pouring from it turns out very hearty and aromatic.
Well, let's start the preparations. First, wash the fish well under running water. Clean it of bones and entrails, and then cut into large pieces. - Then cut the carrots and celery in small cubes or circles, cut the bulb in two.
DepositPhotos - Sliced vegetables and garlic put in a bowl of multicookers, add salt, pepper and spices to taste. Pour water and cook for 20 minutes in the "Pushing" mode. Add the fish to the vegetable broth and cook for another 30 minutes.
DepositPhotos - Meanwhile, pour gelatin with water (100 ml per 15 grams of gelatin), move and leave for 15 minutes.
DepositPhotos - Strain the fish broth and inject gelatin into it, move it to homogeneity.
DepositPhotos - Clean boiled saury from the remaining seeds, put it in plates for cold, add boiled carrots and fresh parsley. Pour all this with ready-made broth and set it to cool for 5-7 hours. Here's the bay and ready! 700675.
Saury brew is a very nutritious and healthy dish. I won't speak for everyone, but for me, this bay was the only way to feed the kids fish. They do not like it very much, but the bay is weaved only like this!
Saira is a very delicious and healthy fish. Earlier we told you how to make healthy and nutritious saury soup.
You like baking? Then be sure to check out our recipe for an unusual two-tone bay with ham and cucumbers.
Did you like the recipe? Be sure to share with your friends.