How nutritionists eat

Hippocrates once said, “Tell me what you eat and I will tell you what you are sick.” To maintain an excellent shape and less often get sick, it is important to exclude from the diet those products that cause harm to our body.


Experts in the field of healthy nutrition have compiled a blacklist of foods that they never eat themselves and strongly advise their customers to refrain from eating.


"Site" suggests chemicality food. Nutritionists consider some popular dishes dangerous to our health.

Product properties
  1. Processed meat
    Stay away from processed meats (salami, hot dogs, and sausages). They contain preservatives, artificial dyes, a small amount of poor-quality meat and trans fats. Such ingredients are very harmful to our health, as they can increase the level of cholesterol in the blood, says clinical nutritionist Manal Chauchein. Sausages are loved by children, and it can be difficult to abandon them. In the homes of many of my acquaintances, this is the No. 1 food. If you continue to give your baby sausages, buy only those made specifically for children.

    But before buying, carefully study the composition of the product: it should not include harmful additives and soybeans. Moreover, it is desirable to give babies sausage products no more than twice a week. Pay attention to the appearance of products, shelf life and packaging. Physically food-producing To a large extent determine their quality and ability to long-term storage.


  2. Ketchup and other purchased sauces
    “Shop ketchup includes a lot of preservatives and sugar. Better bake a handful of tomatoes in the oven and use them as a side dish, advises Rhiannon Lambert, a nutritionist and founder of the leading Rhitrition clinic on Harley Street in London.

  3. Yogurts with a long shelf life
    Many children and adults enjoy yogurt, hoping that it will improve their health. But are all the yogurts we see in stores good for the body? Classic yogurt is the result of mixing fermented milk with fermented milk bacteria. But such a product, as a rule, does not differ in exquisite taste. To improve the situation, manufacturers add flavors, stabilizers and sugar to yogurt.

    The beneficial bacteria in yogurt live no more than 3-5 days. Therefore, natural yogurt has a very limited shelf life. At the same time, you can find products with a shelf life of 14 or even 30 days in stores.

    To prolong the life of such yogurts, preservatives are added to them, which extend the shelf life from several days to several months, completely killing everything alive and depriving the product of any nutritional value.

  4. margarine
    Hydrogenation of fats in the production of margarine, according to recent studies, has an extremely unpleasant side effect. It leads to the formation of trans fats, almost absent in butter and vegetable oil and therefore unusual for our body. Trans fats, the share of which in margarine reaches 40%, increase the level of cholesterol in the blood, disrupt the normal functioning of cell membranes, contribute to the development of vascular diseases, negatively affect sexual potency.

  5. Colorful lollipops
    Baby sweets are often the most harmful. A huge amount of sugar and various food dyes not only harm the health of the teeth, but also lead to weight gain. Empty calories, which are contained in lollipops and caramels, do not satisfy hunger, but on the contrary, increase appetite.

  6. Carbonated drinks
    Katharina Kaiser, nutrition specialist at fitness company Freeletics: I never consume sugary sodas and energy drinks. They contain a huge amount of sugar and a rattling mixture of several artificial ingredients and caffeine.”

  7. Sugar substitutes
    Some sugar substitutes have a higher glycemic index than sugar itself. They are quickly absorbed, and if you do not immediately spend this energy in the gym, it will be deposited on the sides in the form of fat. In the diet of a nutritionist, artificial sweeteners are absent. But honey or raw maple syrup is another matter!


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