How to prepare lean yeast dough

Bread is considered one of the oldest products that appeared in the human diet. But, unlike berries, vegetables and fruits, ready-made bread did not exist in nature, it had to be cooked. And if for many thousands of years the only ingredients of bread were water and grated grain, then with the advent of yeast the process improved.

In the XX century, baking technology has received a new round of development. They began to bake products from coarse flour, with bran, fruit and herbs. Popularity gained sweets from biscuit and layered dough.

However, with such a variety of pastries as today, you can and should surprise guests. And so the editorial board. "Site" He will tell you how to cook. pottery.

The recipe is good because it can be used for cooking and pizza, and buns, and rolls. The products are plump, tender and, of course, very tasty. Therefore, we propose to immediately prepare from a lean yeast dough appetizing rolls with nut filling.

Test ingredients
  • 2 potato tubers
  • 350 ml of water
  • 300g flour
  • 0.5 tsp salt
  • 50g sugar
  • 15g pressed yeast
  • 50ml vegetable oil

Filling ingredients
  • 0.5 tbsp walnuts
  • 2 tbsp sugar

  1. First of all, cut the potatoes and broths. Liquid drains into a separate container. Turn the potatoes into a homogeneous mashed potato and put the liquid back in. Bring it to a homogeneous mass and cool it.

  2. Add salt and sugar to the potato mass. Stir it. Add the yeast and stir again to a homogeneous mass.
  3. Add the vegetable oil. Soak and add flour. It is better to pour less and then add as needed, so as not to clog the dough with flour.

  4. All I have to do is mix the dough well. This can be done both in a bowl and on the table. The dough needs consistency sticks to the hands, but does not remain on the fingers. Therefore, working with him is very simple.
  5. It remains to put the container in a warm place or even on a pan with warm water. After about 30 minutes, when the dough is slightly suitable, it should be crumpled again and put again in a warm place.

  6. Well, dough can be cut and rolled. Let’s try to make sweet nut rolls out of it.
  7. For filling, take walnuts, grind them in a blender and mix with sugar.

  8. Divide the dough into pieces (we made 7 pieces). Put the pieces in the balls. You can lubricate them a little with refined vegetable oil.
  9. Roll the balls into long rectangular flatbreads.

  10. Now evenly distribute the filling on the test and roll the flatbread with roulette. Make sure that the width of the dough was the same even at the edges - so the roulettes will turn out even and neat.
  11. Put the rolls on the bowl, cover with food film and put in a warm place to approach.

  12. Bake roulettes in the oven heated to 220 degrees for 20 minutes. Readiness is easy to check with a wooden sword.
  13. Still hot roulettes can be lubricated with refined oil without odor and sprinkled with powdered sugar.

It turns out a very appetizing pastry, which in appearance is difficult to distinguish from shop pastry masterpieces. But it is immediately clear to taste that this could be prepared only at home from natural products and without any additives. Surely. yeast-dough universal.

Also read how to prepare the perfect dough for dumplings. And also learn how to prepare truly royal cakes, because the main secret of this baking is a proven dough.


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