Why put yeast dough in the microwave
Yeast dough, it has character. Wherever you turn, you sit down. It is especially important when you are going to bake cakes for the holiday. Always the problem with the place: where to put, where to put? There's a way. Introduce microwaved! This is so obvious that you can guess for yourself.
Editorial "Site" It literally gives you this great life hack that will definitely solve the problem. The test is guaranteed to rise as soon as possible, and nothing can prevent it. Inside the article are necessarily useful links. Hug!
Even if you have the best microwave in the world, just in case, go here to find out what mistakes can be avoided during the preparation of the yeast test. Why do we need a microwave in this case? The test needs a warm place without temperature changes. A microwave oven is perfect for this!
Look: an isolated camera with thick walls, a transparent door closing to visually fully control the process, is already standing in the kitchen, does not disturb anyone at all. There's no better place to test. I'm telling.
Prepare the yeast dough. Usually, each hostess has their own verified recipe, which is used most often. If you want to test your knowledge or just learn something new, take a look at this recipe for fast yeast dough on milk. Great for buns and cakes, especially when there is no time for dancing with tambourine.
The perfect dough is now attentive. At the moment when the dough needs to be put in a warm place, open your favorite microwave and place the container in it. But first in the far corner put a narrow glass with boiling water. It is advisable to cover the dough with a towel, but you can not do this. Voila! Microwave No need. turn on!
In the oven chamber, a real greenhouse is created in which the dough fits very quickly. It may take fifteen minutes to satisfy the result. And no draughts or shocks for you. Interestingly, some microwaves already have a “yeast dough” mode, even a glass will not be needed. Just put and choose the right mode. We know that some housewives “lift” the dough with the help of “defrosting” mode. We haven't tried, so at your own risk.
How else can you quickly “lift” the dough? Suitable warm oven, which can be heated to 35 degrees Celsius, and sometimes enough and included light bulb. Some use a cellophane bag and hot water: the dough is wrapped in film, tied, then lowered, for example, in the sink of a washbasin with water. Quick and efficient.
We wouldn’t be us if we didn’t offer a recipe for a special pastry that can be made from a microwaved dough. Follow the link and meet: His Majesty cake with lard. A cool thing that will perfectly diversify the table and give everyone the opportunity to eat to the dump.
That's it! We sincerely believe that the yeast microwaved It will become your favorite mechanism for making a variety of baking. Now you can not be afraid that something will go wrong. Share the life hack with friends, and in the comments be sure to write about your methods that help the test rise quickly. And thank you for staying with us!

Editorial "Site" It literally gives you this great life hack that will definitely solve the problem. The test is guaranteed to rise as soon as possible, and nothing can prevent it. Inside the article are necessarily useful links. Hug!

Even if you have the best microwave in the world, just in case, go here to find out what mistakes can be avoided during the preparation of the yeast test. Why do we need a microwave in this case? The test needs a warm place without temperature changes. A microwave oven is perfect for this!

Look: an isolated camera with thick walls, a transparent door closing to visually fully control the process, is already standing in the kitchen, does not disturb anyone at all. There's no better place to test. I'm telling.

Prepare the yeast dough. Usually, each hostess has their own verified recipe, which is used most often. If you want to test your knowledge or just learn something new, take a look at this recipe for fast yeast dough on milk. Great for buns and cakes, especially when there is no time for dancing with tambourine.

The perfect dough is now attentive. At the moment when the dough needs to be put in a warm place, open your favorite microwave and place the container in it. But first in the far corner put a narrow glass with boiling water. It is advisable to cover the dough with a towel, but you can not do this. Voila! Microwave No need. turn on!

In the oven chamber, a real greenhouse is created in which the dough fits very quickly. It may take fifteen minutes to satisfy the result. And no draughts or shocks for you. Interestingly, some microwaves already have a “yeast dough” mode, even a glass will not be needed. Just put and choose the right mode. We know that some housewives “lift” the dough with the help of “defrosting” mode. We haven't tried, so at your own risk.

How else can you quickly “lift” the dough? Suitable warm oven, which can be heated to 35 degrees Celsius, and sometimes enough and included light bulb. Some use a cellophane bag and hot water: the dough is wrapped in film, tied, then lowered, for example, in the sink of a washbasin with water. Quick and efficient.

We wouldn’t be us if we didn’t offer a recipe for a special pastry that can be made from a microwaved dough. Follow the link and meet: His Majesty cake with lard. A cool thing that will perfectly diversify the table and give everyone the opportunity to eat to the dump.

That's it! We sincerely believe that the yeast microwaved It will become your favorite mechanism for making a variety of baking. Now you can not be afraid that something will go wrong. Share the life hack with friends, and in the comments be sure to write about your methods that help the test rise quickly. And thank you for staying with us!