Kuck will prepare a lucky for the winter.

Sorrow is a very useful plant. It contains a whole complex of vitamins and minerals necessary for our body. It is rich in vitamins C, A, B1, K, carotene, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, organic acids (tanninous, oxalic, pyrogallic).

It is used for culinary and medicinal purposes. Sorrow is used in the treatment of vitamin deficiency, scurvy, anemia. The vitamin C contained in sorrel accelerates the absorption of iron, which contributes to an increase in hemoglobin.


Sorrow stimulates the production of gastric juice, improves digestion. In folk medicine, infusions of roots and sorrel leaves are used as a hemostatic, anti-inflammatory agent.

During the season, you can add fresh sorrel to salads. But what do we do after? After all, for a year ahead, the body does not store vitamins. There is a way to prepare it for the winter. Below we'll tell you, how to preserve sorrel.

DepositPhotos Sorrow canned sterilize a half-liter can. Wash the sorrel, let the water run, dry the leaves. Go through, if necessary, in conservation should go only intact diseases, not yellowed and not buckled leaves.

Cut the thick stems, cut the rest finely and push tightly into the jar. Fill the sorrel with cold water to the brim and roll the jar.


No preservatives need to be added. The secret is that sorrel has so many different acids that the plant preserves itself. Therefore, the sorrel stands until the winter and does not deteriorate.

A can with canned sorrel should be kept in a dark, not too warm place, and after opening - in the refrigerator. This can be added to salads or used as a filling for pies.


There is another way of rolling sorrel, more conservative. Take the little young shoots. Don't cut them, just sprinkle them with salt. Leave it for half an hour. Then push into the sterilized jar, periodically also pouring salt layers. Pour boiling water.


After heat treatment, the sorrel will change color and you can twist the jar. This type of food is usually used to prepare sorrelGreen borscht. It is also stored in a cool, dark place.



Sorrel juice can also be preserved. Boil the sorrel for 7 minutes, based on the proportion of 300 g of grass per half a liter of water, so that the juice is sufficiently concentrated. Then let me stand for 20 minutes. Strain and roll in the banks.

Sorrel juice is used only for medicinal purposes to improve liver function, gallbladder, stimulate digestive processes, as well as skin itching and skin rashes. Drink 50 ml twice a day.

DepositPhotos Tannins, vitamin C, K, calcium contained in sorrel, have a therapeutic effect with loosened and bleeding gums. Therefore, the infusion and juice made from sorrel leaves are used to rinse the mouth.

As with any other medicine, it is important not to overdo it with the use of sorrel. Abuse can contribute to the formation of kidney stones. Do not eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner or drink juice liters.


Also, its use is undesirable for violations of salt metabolism, inflammatory kidney diseases, gastritis, ulcers, those who have problems with calcium absorption, and pregnant women.

More about the beneficial properties of various greens and recipes with neutai in our articles. Follow the links.


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