Why You Should Eat More Sorrel
Sour sorrel, or ordinary sorrel (Rume acetosa) is called the “vitamin bomb” and “spring king”. The shoots of this plant appear on the beds one of the first, in early spring, when a shortage of fresh vegetables is especially acute.
At the same time, in terms of the number of vitamins and microelements, sorrel significantly exceeds other greens, and all its parts are widely used for medicinal purposes. At the beginning of the season, sorrel leaves are dominated by apple and citric acid, vitamin C, proteins, a lot of sugars. It can be considered a champion in the content of vitamin B.
Sorrel contains ascorbic acid, which strengthens immunity. It also has vitamin A, which allows you to maintain good vision and young skin. The iron contained in the leaves improves blood composition and complexion, and fluoride takes care of the condition of teeth and bones.
Recipes with sorrel To fully take advantage of all the health benefits of the "spring king", "Site" It offers the most popular recipes with its participation. We add that sorrel is a low-calorie product, 100 grams of fresh sorrel contains no more than 22 calories.
Soup with potatoes
The ingredients
Green May Salad with Sorrel
The ingredients
Sorrel cakes
Test ingredients
Filling ingredients
The main contraindication to the use of sorrel is associated with the content of oxalic acid in it. This substance is part of many plants (sorrel, spinach, rhubarb, amaranth, beets, tomatoes) and are used by them to protect against eating.
For a healthy person, the use of products containing oxalic acid is safe, and even useful, it is easily excreted along with urine. But there are diseases in which it must be limited.
This, first of all, concerns those who have gastritis of the stomach, duodenal ulcer, gout, kidney stones. The best option is to eat sorrel no more than 1-2 times a week.
It is worth noting that in the same spinach or rhubarb oxalic acid contains more than in sorrel. The content of the harmful substance is also significantly affected by weather conditions and proper farming. Heat and drought contribute to its increase, and timely watering and good care reduce.
When spring comes and nature awakens from winter hibernation, the first vitamin greens appear in the forest - cherry, which is also called bear onion, wild garlic and flask. "Site" will tell about its useful properties and application in cooking.
Read also about the best natural vitamins of early spring. Thanks to useful root vegetables, you will forever forget about the lack of vitamins, colds, bad mood and excess weight.
Young May nettle in the hands of an experienced hostess can turn into an exquisite dish. Soups and salads from May nettle are not only useful, but also very tasty, and also saturated with a whole list of vitamins we need.

At the same time, in terms of the number of vitamins and microelements, sorrel significantly exceeds other greens, and all its parts are widely used for medicinal purposes. At the beginning of the season, sorrel leaves are dominated by apple and citric acid, vitamin C, proteins, a lot of sugars. It can be considered a champion in the content of vitamin B.

Sorrel contains ascorbic acid, which strengthens immunity. It also has vitamin A, which allows you to maintain good vision and young skin. The iron contained in the leaves improves blood composition and complexion, and fluoride takes care of the condition of teeth and bones.
Recipes with sorrel To fully take advantage of all the health benefits of the "spring king", "Site" It offers the most popular recipes with its participation. We add that sorrel is a low-calorie product, 100 grams of fresh sorrel contains no more than 22 calories.

Soup with potatoes

The ingredients
- 8 Medium Potatoes
- 300-400g sorrel
- carrot
- bulb
- parsley-root
- 1 tbsp vegetable oil
- 20g parsley
- 20g dill
- 1 bay leaf
- 4 tbsp sour cream
- salt
- Bring the pot water to a boil. Put the crushed parsley root and the cube-cut potatoes in it. Cook all 5 minutes.
- Cut the onions, grind the carrots. Pass the onions and carrots in vegetable oil until golden.
- Add carrots, onions and bay leaf to the soup. Cook for another 10 minutes.
- Add sliced sorrel to the soup, stir and let it boil a little - maximum five minutes, then stir again and remove the pan from the fire.
- When served, sprinkle soup with fresh greens and add a tablespoon of sour cream.
- Bon appetit!
Green May Salad with Sorrel

The ingredients
- 6 eggs
- 1 beam of sorrel
- 250g smoked cheese
- 1 bundle of green onions
- 150g mayonnaise
- salt and black pepper to taste
- Wash and dry the sorrel. Cut the tails and cut the leaves into pieces.
- Cut the green onions finely.
- Cube smoked cheese and boiled eggs.
- Combine all the ingredients, add mayonnaise (preferably homemade). Stir it.
- Spread it, peep it, and put it on the table.
- sorrel salad It turns out appetizing, spicy and with a slight sourness.
- Bon appetit!
Sorrel cakes

Test ingredients
- 500g wheat flour
- 1 egg
- 250 ml of milk
- 11g fast-acting yeast
- 2 tbsp vegetable oil
- 1/2 tbsp sugar
- 1 tsp sugar
- vegetable-oil
Filling ingredients
- 150g fresh sorrel
- 3 tbsp sugar
- Dilute fast-acting yeast in warm milk.
- Mix the egg with sugar, add salt and whip the mass to foam.
- Soak in a bowl of flour, pour milk with yeast and egg mixture.
- Mix the dough, periodically adding vegetable oil.
- Cover the finished dough with film and send it to a warm place for 1 hour.
- In the meantime, prepare the stuffing. Wash the sorrel, dry it, and then crumble it in thin stripes. Fill in the sugar and stir to release a little juice.
- Pour the working surface with flour and roll the raised dough into a thin pancake.
- Squeeze the same circles out of him.
- Put on each circle 1-1.5 tablespoon of sorrel and fill the edge.
- Pour 3-4 millimeters of vegetable oil into the pan. Heat the oil on a strong fire and put cakes in it. Turn down the power and roast the cakes from both sides to the ruddy crust.
- Ready. sorrel-cake Good in both hot and cold form.
- Bon appetit!
The main contraindication to the use of sorrel is associated with the content of oxalic acid in it. This substance is part of many plants (sorrel, spinach, rhubarb, amaranth, beets, tomatoes) and are used by them to protect against eating.
For a healthy person, the use of products containing oxalic acid is safe, and even useful, it is easily excreted along with urine. But there are diseases in which it must be limited.
This, first of all, concerns those who have gastritis of the stomach, duodenal ulcer, gout, kidney stones. The best option is to eat sorrel no more than 1-2 times a week.
It is worth noting that in the same spinach or rhubarb oxalic acid contains more than in sorrel. The content of the harmful substance is also significantly affected by weather conditions and proper farming. Heat and drought contribute to its increase, and timely watering and good care reduce.
When spring comes and nature awakens from winter hibernation, the first vitamin greens appear in the forest - cherry, which is also called bear onion, wild garlic and flask. "Site" will tell about its useful properties and application in cooking.
Read also about the best natural vitamins of early spring. Thanks to useful root vegetables, you will forever forget about the lack of vitamins, colds, bad mood and excess weight.
Young May nettle in the hands of an experienced hostess can turn into an exquisite dish. Soups and salads from May nettle are not only useful, but also very tasty, and also saturated with a whole list of vitamins we need.