How to prepare a rosehip tincture
Moscow plant MMVZ, one of the domestic leaders in the production of strong drinks, produces barrels aged from limousine oak "Kremlin". But sometimes, remembering the “Kremlin” strong, they mean a completely different drink.
According to eyewitnesses, in the 70s of the last century at official receptions Leonid Ilyich and other members of the Politburo instead of a strong drink often poured a specially prepared broth of rosehip.
The drink gave the leaders strength without causing problems with health. On the contrary, it increased immunity and saturated the body with natural vitamins. And the people whispered: "Wow, the other one would not stand on his feet, and ours does not take anything." Strong!
The composition of the drink for Kremlin centenarians is brilliantly simple, but this simplicity carries a shock charge of nutrients. Today. "Site" It will tell you how to prepare the vitamin rosehipIt is also called the “Kremlin strong”.
There is no consensus on the choice of rosehip for tincture: some say that fresh rosehip is better suited, others - that dried. Both have their downsides and downsides. Fresh rosehip leaves mud in the drink, because of which it has to be carefully filtered, but the taste and color are more vivid.
Dried rosehip gives the drink a note of dried fruit, the taste of tincture with it is not so pronounced, but vitamin C in it contains much more than in fresh rosehip. The ideal option is raw, but soaked for 2-3 days berries.
The rosehip before insisting can be further stretched with a roller. But grind it with a blender is not worth it: they say, in this case, microscopic hairs pass into the drink, which are poorly filtered and can scratch the larynx.
The ingredients
After using the tincture, the mouth should be thoroughly rinsed, since the acids present in its composition have a destructive effect on tooth enamel, which can lead to caries.
For those who like stronger, we have prepared a recipe for a strong tincture of rosehip. It is noteworthy that alcohol destroys vitamin C not as much as boiling water, so rosehip It contains significantly more vitamins than any decoction.
The ingredients
A drink made of moonshine on oak bark is not a chemical fake, but a live, noble drink, also made with your own hands. The real experts in this case say that the drink becomes especially pleasant and tasty if you hold it for two years.
A bottle of good wine is a very important thing for friendly meetings, romantic evenings and just a good pastime. Editorial "Site" It will teach you how to choose a quality wine and recognize a fake in the store.
Rosehip will dissolve kidney stones and remove bile in one fell swoop! Absolutely all parts of this plant - berries, leaves, roots, and even twigs: they are all useful. For the kidneys, especially!

According to eyewitnesses, in the 70s of the last century at official receptions Leonid Ilyich and other members of the Politburo instead of a strong drink often poured a specially prepared broth of rosehip.

The drink gave the leaders strength without causing problems with health. On the contrary, it increased immunity and saturated the body with natural vitamins. And the people whispered: "Wow, the other one would not stand on his feet, and ours does not take anything." Strong!
The composition of the drink for Kremlin centenarians is brilliantly simple, but this simplicity carries a shock charge of nutrients. Today. "Site" It will tell you how to prepare the vitamin rosehipIt is also called the “Kremlin strong”.

There is no consensus on the choice of rosehip for tincture: some say that fresh rosehip is better suited, others - that dried. Both have their downsides and downsides. Fresh rosehip leaves mud in the drink, because of which it has to be carefully filtered, but the taste and color are more vivid.

Dried rosehip gives the drink a note of dried fruit, the taste of tincture with it is not so pronounced, but vitamin C in it contains much more than in fresh rosehip. The ideal option is raw, but soaked for 2-3 days berries.

The rosehip before insisting can be further stretched with a roller. But grind it with a blender is not worth it: they say, in this case, microscopic hairs pass into the drink, which are poorly filtered and can scratch the larynx.
The ingredients
- 1/2 tbsp rosehip berries
- 125 ml of honey
- juice
- Place the pre-prepared rosehip berries in a thermos. Pour hot water with a temperature of no more than 50 degrees. Boiling water is not worth pouring rosehip, since it destroys vitamin C.
- Close the lid and leave it for at least a day. After this time, strain the infusion through the strainer and strainers. Add honey to the drink.
- Next, squeeze half the lemon juice into the tincture. Stir and let it stand for another day.
- Drink and be healthy!
After using the tincture, the mouth should be thoroughly rinsed, since the acids present in its composition have a destructive effect on tooth enamel, which can lead to caries.
For those who like stronger, we have prepared a recipe for a strong tincture of rosehip. It is noteworthy that alcohol destroys vitamin C not as much as boiling water, so rosehip It contains significantly more vitamins than any decoction.

The ingredients
- 1.5 tbsp. dried rosehip berries
- 4 l vodka
- 4 bay leaves
- 1 tbsp honey
- Before preparing the tincture, scald the berries with boiling water and soak in water for a while.
- Mix everything in the jar, shake it well, block it and put it in a dark place.
- After that, forget about the tincture for a month, or better for two.
- After this period, pass the tincture through the filter and let it stand for another couple of days.
- Cheers!
A drink made of moonshine on oak bark is not a chemical fake, but a live, noble drink, also made with your own hands. The real experts in this case say that the drink becomes especially pleasant and tasty if you hold it for two years.
A bottle of good wine is a very important thing for friendly meetings, romantic evenings and just a good pastime. Editorial "Site" It will teach you how to choose a quality wine and recognize a fake in the store.
Rosehip will dissolve kidney stones and remove bile in one fell swoop! Absolutely all parts of this plant - berries, leaves, roots, and even twigs: they are all useful. For the kidneys, especially!