Tel Aviv Market Seller Teaches How to Keep Dill Fresh Until New Year

How to save fennel longer? This fragrant greens can be added to almost any meat or fish dishes, soups, salads. Of course, I want the dill to remain fresh without drying or freezing. But is that even possible? You cannot jump above your head. If the greens are not kept forever, nothing will come of it. Only one secret to prolong the life of dill is still available.

Fresh dill First, let's figure out what storage You need it. For a shorter time, a regular bucket of water will be useful. Yes, dill in the refrigerator should be stored in water. In some stores, greens are also stored in water. Put a small container of water where it will not spill, and place inside a bundle of dill. For a week, your greens will definitely keep up.

Prolong the life of fresh dill will help an ordinary glass jar. First of all, you need to thoroughly wash the dill and the banks themselves. Separate the dill from the large stems. You don’t need them, you can put them in the trash. Wash only thin ones. greens And dry them on paper towels.

It’s important to remember that squirrel just has to dry out. But there's no way to dry up in the sun. Otherwise, its taste will probably be much worse than expected. Dill cans are also well washed and dried, so that there is no hint of liquid.

Then place it. dill And cover them. It is best to use containers with reusable covers. Greens inside the cans should be a lot, but not excessive. Tamping dill in the bank is not recommended. That’s the secret of keeping fresh greens. Such dill can stand for 2-3 months, which is also a very decent result.

Not all of us worry about how we should be. green in the home fridge. They bought it, brought it home, put it on the shelf. However, with the right organized storage process, the greens can live for almost 3 weeks and not spoil. Great prospect, isn't it? So how do you organize everything? Let me tell you.

Prolong the storage of any greens will help a regular towel. Take it. kitchen-towel and wet him with water. The fabric should be wet, but not too wet. Wash the greens, remove all the excess, and then wrap in this towel and put in the refrigerator. From time to time, the towel can be wet again with water.

It is possible to store greens in the usual plastic containerwithout adding any liquid. Prepare dill, parsley or any other favorite greens, as mentioned above. The plastic container can also be washed and dried if necessary. At the bottom of the bed, a paper towel or napkin. Put the greens on top. In such a container, it can be stored for 3 weeks.

How to store fresh dill freezer It is not ventilated, its protruding part must somehow cover. For example, if the greens are in a glass of water, then its top should be covered with a package and fixed with a rubber band. For such a case, ordinary foil is also suitable. Prepare enough foil to keep the stock at the ends. Put the greens inside the foil, and twist the edges like candy. This will keep the fresh dill longer.


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