How to improve hearing
Otosclerosis, otitis (internal, medium, external), labyrinthitis, tubotitis, Eustachitis - a far incomplete list of diseases that occur against the background of hypothermia, SARS or influenza. Any disease, any disease. hearing-tube dysfunction It can cause hearing loss, partial or complete hearing loss. If no action is taken, the hearing may not return.
Any ENT doctor will say that hearing loss occurs not only against the background of diseases. The usual sulfur plug and congestion in the ear after the flight can cause hearing impairment. If you notice that you do not hear well or noise in the ears, throbbing pains, "shots" and congestion do not go away for a long time (more than 3 days), drops and warming up do not help, the rule is one: do not waste time and consult a doctor!
The doctors shout in one voice: hearing improvement Maybe! There is no point in waiting and wondering why. hearing dropped dramaticallyAfter all, without examination, the condition of the eardrum is unknown.
It is important to follow medical recommendations (taking medications) and follow gymnasticsespecially in the elderly. Hearing will return if there is no damage to the structure of the inner ear (injury, defects, consequences of surgery).
Today. "Site" He'll tell you how to do it. gymnastics. This will help restore hearing after the disease and prevent recurrence of the disease. Exercises reduce the swelling of the mucous membranes, improve the outflow of fluid and restore metabolic processes in the tissues by activating the movement of blood and lymph.
If you or your child have a tendency to otitis, enlargedSinusitis, sinusitis or chronic diseases of ENT organs, exercise should be performed daily. And the more often, the better.
It can be performed during the illness and after, to consolidate the result. In the acute phase - 4-5 times each exercise approximately 2-5 times a day. For the prevention of ear diseases - once a day. These recommendations apply to all music lovers, swimmers, as well as those who work in headphones or regularly use earplugs.
Another tip for everyone without exception: forget about ear sticks! By using them to clear your ears, you're actually pushing earwax deep into your ear, toward your eardrum. This can cause damage to the external ear canal. My ears with my hands while swimming, without placing foreign objects in the ear canal.
Gymnastics to improve hearing
A few years ago, doctors noticed an interesting fact: people on a hypocholesterol diet dramatically improved hearing. It is based on products that lower blood cholesterol and improve the blood supply to the inner ear. This diet helps to improve sound perception by 25-30 decibels!
Take care of your hearing young, conquer your laziness and perform exercises! Your ears need to be taken care of, don’t forget them. I hope these recommendations will save you from unnecessary trips to the doctor and help save your hearing until old age.
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Any ENT doctor will say that hearing loss occurs not only against the background of diseases. The usual sulfur plug and congestion in the ear after the flight can cause hearing impairment. If you notice that you do not hear well or noise in the ears, throbbing pains, "shots" and congestion do not go away for a long time (more than 3 days), drops and warming up do not help, the rule is one: do not waste time and consult a doctor!
The doctors shout in one voice: hearing improvement Maybe! There is no point in waiting and wondering why. hearing dropped dramaticallyAfter all, without examination, the condition of the eardrum is unknown.
It is important to follow medical recommendations (taking medications) and follow gymnasticsespecially in the elderly. Hearing will return if there is no damage to the structure of the inner ear (injury, defects, consequences of surgery).

Today. "Site" He'll tell you how to do it. gymnastics. This will help restore hearing after the disease and prevent recurrence of the disease. Exercises reduce the swelling of the mucous membranes, improve the outflow of fluid and restore metabolic processes in the tissues by activating the movement of blood and lymph.
If you or your child have a tendency to otitis, enlargedSinusitis, sinusitis or chronic diseases of ENT organs, exercise should be performed daily. And the more often, the better.
It can be performed during the illness and after, to consolidate the result. In the acute phase - 4-5 times each exercise approximately 2-5 times a day. For the prevention of ear diseases - once a day. These recommendations apply to all music lovers, swimmers, as well as those who work in headphones or regularly use earplugs.

Another tip for everyone without exception: forget about ear sticks! By using them to clear your ears, you're actually pushing earwax deep into your ear, toward your eardrum. This can cause damage to the external ear canal. My ears with my hands while swimming, without placing foreign objects in the ear canal.
Gymnastics to improve hearing
- Warm-up
Gymnastics should start with a warm-up upper spine. This will improve blood circulation and lymph flow, strengthen the muscle corset. Do not neglect warm-up, it is very important for treatment. Perform the exercises gently, without sudden movements.
Sit down or stand flat. Only the cervical spine should work. Bow your head several times to the right and then to the left shoulder. Rest for a couple of seconds and tilt your head down toward the chest, then tilt the back of your head back toward your back. Turn your head to the right and left 3 times in each direction.
Put your chin on your chest and slowly turn your head in different directions. At the end, make a few circular turns of the head clockwise and counterclockwise. Rest for a few minutes and move on to the next exercise. - Breathing
Be evenly and deeply inhale the air with your nose (blow your nostrils wide), protruding your stomach. Exhale slowly through your mouth. Take another deep breath and hold your breath. Then lean forward and lower your hands relaxed down. Take a deep breath again.
Then open your mouth wide as if you want to yawn and breathe air through your mouth. Close your lips and swallow air so that the upper palate closes with the back of your tongue. Repeat 2 times. - Nebo
Open your mouth and put the tip of your tongue on the alveoli. Slowly walk several times across the sky in the direction of a small tongue.
Say it with your mouth shut. Then open your mouth again, pull your tongue back to the larynx, and the tip of the leash on the lower teeth, then raise it on the alveoli. Say it again with your mouth shut. - Language
Widely open your mouth and stick your tongue out as low as possible. Then rot it, trying to touch the tip of a small tongue. Again, with your mouth wide open, try to stick your tongue out as low as possible, then pull it in, closing your throat.
Rest, put the tip of the tongue on the front teeth and, resting on them, stretch the front of the tongue. With your mouth wide open, try to bend the tip of your tongue beyond the alveoli without touching your upper teeth. - Jaws.
Tighten your lips and raise your upper lip. Slowly and very carefully push forward the lower jaw. Move your jaw to the right and left. Rest, then put your hands to the base of your jaw. Widely opening your mouth, close and open your jaws several times. - Lips
Fold your lips with a tube and push as far as possible. Relax and smile so you can see your teeth. Then try crooking your lips to the right and left. Say it a few times. - Cheeks.
Close your lips and blow both cheeks as much as possible. In this position, try to open your mouth, working with your jaws. Rest and blow your cheeks again, then slowly draw them in, closing your lips. Say it a few times. Rest and alternately inflate the right and left cheeks, then the upper lip. - Exercises with changes in atmospheric pressure (flights, climbing to the mountains)
If you He laid his ears on the flight.Try blowing out the ear tubes with your nose closed. Do the exercise carefully and be sure in the absence of any mucus in the nose. Or take a glass of warm water without gas and drink in slow sips, covering your nose with your fingers. If nothing helps and congestion does not go away, consult a doctor.
A few years ago, doctors noticed an interesting fact: people on a hypocholesterol diet dramatically improved hearing. It is based on products that lower blood cholesterol and improve the blood supply to the inner ear. This diet helps to improve sound perception by 25-30 decibels!
Take care of your hearing young, conquer your laziness and perform exercises! Your ears need to be taken care of, don’t forget them. I hope these recommendations will save you from unnecessary trips to the doctor and help save your hearing until old age.
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