What women's fads drive away love

It is believed that infidelity, ungroomed appearance or constant scandals of the wife can force a man to leave. But if you look at the statistics of divorce, the reasons are far from these, and often it can be quite strange things: lack of respect, negative impact on self-esteem. Experienced matchmakers also say that their clients always point to harmless female quirks as the most undesirable traits of the future wife.



Editorial "Site" tell you, Why do men leave?. More precisely, what 10 harmless female habits are terribly annoying representatives of the stronger sex.

Behavior of women with men
  1. Behave like a child
    Women often, wanting to get their way, begin to behave like children. Or they react too emotionally to everything around them, as if they were just beginning to understand this world. But men prefer women who are able to control their emotions and show them not too intrusively. Femininity is more important than cute naivety.

  2. Speaking puzzles
    When a woman can not say something directly, but she certainly needs to communicate this information, she resorts to riddles, hints, puzzles. And, of course, they are offended if a man cannot understand them. On a regular basis, this behavior is annoying, although from the outside it can seem quite cute. Men are better off talking straight about their desires, it will be better for you and for him.

  3. Manipulation of the body
    Since ancient times, women have used their bodies as a means to an end. It certainly works. But the manipulation of the body and intimate life very quickly jeopardizes the relationship. Bed work, like trust, is an integral part of marriage, so you can not play them.

  4. Play the simpleton
    Women can hide their virtues and seem stupider than they really are. In some situations, this approach is really convenient, but do not overplay. The problem is that men like modesty in certain doses, and if a man catches a woman cheating, he will simply stop trusting her.

  5. Stupid questions
    “I got fat. Is it good or bad?, “And the dress fits worse on me than on Tanka, right?” – such questions are better not to ask men, because they just get lost and do not know what to answer. And what is the meaning of this, besides a small scandal? Women will not be satisfied with a short affirmative or negative answer, this may be followed by another batch of incomprehensible reproaches of unlove and heartlessness.

  6. Too many expectations.
    Requiring a man to do what he promised is normal and even necessary. But to resent your unjustified and inflated expectations is stupid. And most often we are not talking about the material side of life, but about more subtle areas: different views on children, career, travel. The only way to avoid this trouble is to honestly discuss contentious places in advance, rather than making plans in your head.

  7. Criticizing other women
    Criticism, condemnation, and constant discussion of other women annoy men. The more acute criticism of familiar and unfamiliar women will be issued by a woman, the more she will convince her partner of her own shortcomings. After all, they often criticize women who are insecure, jealous or unrealized.

  8. A mess.
    According to recent studies, men are just as careful about personal hygiene and overall cleanliness in the apartment as women. Therefore, when a woman throws all over the house her things, cosmetics and all sorts of purely feminine things, the nerves of men can not stand.

  9. The will to command
    Men are creatures by nature aggressive, so they tend to manage the situation. It is natural for them to be at the head of the family and make important decisions. If this is not possible, the partner may eventually leave or simply become an attachment to a strong spouse.

  10. Invading personal space
    Women are more social than men and therefore feel better when they are close to each other. But the nature of the strong half of humanity assumes high territoriality, so men need a personal space where they can feel confident and calm. But if a woman even participates in working moments and does not give even a minute of communication with friends, then she risks living next to a hen hen heel or being alone.


Such female quirks, which to many seem just whims, can actually lead to the breakup of even the strongest relationships. A woman needs to resort to various tricks to get what she wants or inspire a man to new achievements. But it must be done wisely.

We have also said that men do not forgive women.

Share your opinion in the comments, and do not forget to tell your friends about not the best habits of women.

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