Morning Complex by Chinese Professor Li Guilin
Professor Li Guilin believes that a person can be completely healthy only if yin and yang (the opposite principles) are in complete harmony with each other. Therefore, he created a set of exercises aimed at restoring and maintaining harmony between these forces. Exercises are very simple to perform and are available to almost everyone.
Editorial "Site" I couldn't keep it from you. morning-work Li Guilin, knowing what amazing effect they have on the body.
Massage for health
Not everyone trusts such methods of healing, but there are a huge number of cases that confirm that traditional Chinese medicine It can do wonders. But a miracle does not happen by itself, you need to make an effort.
We only find the easiest and most convenient ways to maintain good health, and whether to trust them is up to you. It is important to understand that a lot depends not only on your actions, but also on your attitude and faith in what you are doing. We have strong evidence that the power of thought cures even incurable diseases.
Share on social networks an article on how to maintain health in adulthood, and tell in the comments about your feelings after performing the Li Guilin complex.

Editorial "Site" I couldn't keep it from you. morning-work Li Guilin, knowing what amazing effect they have on the body.
Massage for health
- You should start by rubbing your hands. Extend your arms forward and start quickly rubbing your palms clockwise, gradually slowing down. The right hand should be at the bottom and the left at the top. Warming the palms contributes to the harmonious work of all internal organs.
- After warming the palms, you need to immediately go to combing the hair with your fingers. By massaging the scalp, we stimulate our internal organs to work, as we touch all the meridians of our body that pass through the head. Regular scalp massage is the prevention of the formation of wrinkles and improves blood circulation, thereby improving the nutrition of hair follicles. Li Guilin recommends combing the hair in the direction from the forehead to the base of the skull, folding the fingers so that the hand resembles the paw of a tiger, and you need to finish the head massage with rubbing the neck - this is already done with the palms.
- Now move on to rubbing your ears. To do this, warm your hands as described in the first paragraph, and then start rubbing the entire surface of the ear with your thumbs, completing with a massage of the lobes.
- There is also a large concentration of biologically active points on the feet, so do not deny yourself the pleasure of a little massage of the legs before the start of a hard day’s work. Make yourself comfortable and thoroughly massage your feet all over the surface.
- Next, take the pose lying down and start the Kegel exercise. Squeeze the muscles of the pelvic floor and hold them so for 2 to 5 seconds, then relax and repeat the same 10 times.
- Complete the exercise "Golden rooster stands on one leg." Just close your eyes, relax, lift one leg bent at the knee, and stand for 2 minutes on each leg. If it is difficult to maintain balance at first, limit yourself to a few seconds and gradually increase the time of the exercise.
Not everyone trusts such methods of healing, but there are a huge number of cases that confirm that traditional Chinese medicine It can do wonders. But a miracle does not happen by itself, you need to make an effort.
We only find the easiest and most convenient ways to maintain good health, and whether to trust them is up to you. It is important to understand that a lot depends not only on your actions, but also on your attitude and faith in what you are doing. We have strong evidence that the power of thought cures even incurable diseases.

Share on social networks an article on how to maintain health in adulthood, and tell in the comments about your feelings after performing the Li Guilin complex.