Do I need to preserve vegetables with rice?
The best twist is one that does not need any snacks and side dishes. I opened it and immediately eat it as a ready meal.
A conservation called “Tourist’s Breakfast” is just that. It is convenient to take it on nature, a picnic, a dacha, on any road and journey.
It's pretty. wintertimeWhich can also serve as a garnish. Without rare for our area or expensive products, only rice cereals and seasonal vegetables from the garden or from the market.
DepositPhotos Delicious Rice Salad for Winter Ingredients
Croup can also be taken pearl and wheat, because it retains its shape after cooking and does not turn into liquid gruel in cans.
If the tomatoes are not juicy, you can add water to the salad during cooking before throwing the cereal. But not more than a glass to make it completely boiled. Try it and cook for your health.
A conservation called “Tourist’s Breakfast” is just that. It is convenient to take it on nature, a picnic, a dacha, on any road and journey.
It's pretty. wintertimeWhich can also serve as a garnish. Without rare for our area or expensive products, only rice cereals and seasonal vegetables from the garden or from the market.

DepositPhotos Delicious Rice Salad for Winter Ingredients
- 2kg tomatoes
- 500g onions
- 500g sweet pepper
- 500g carrots
- 1 tbsp rice cereal
- 1 tbsp sunflower oil
- 4 tbsp sugar
- 1 tbsp salt
- 2 tbsp vinegar

- Tomatoes are ground to a state of liquid gruel. This is convenient to do with a blender or a meat grinder. Tomato puree needs to be poured into a pan and brought to a boil.
DepositPhotos - Meanwhile, cut the onions in cubes, rub the carrots on a large grater. Add all this to a pan of tomato puree and boil together for 10 minutes.
DepositPhotos - Slice the pepper with small cubes, also add to the pan. Immediately pour a glass of vegetable oil, add salt and sugar. Vegetables for another 15 minutes.
DepositPhotos - Wash the rice and put it in the pan. Cook until the cereal is ready. Ready. rice salad for winter Add the vinegar and roll it hot.
Croup can also be taken pearl and wheat, because it retains its shape after cooking and does not turn into liquid gruel in cans.
If the tomatoes are not juicy, you can add water to the salad during cooking before throwing the cereal. But not more than a glass to make it completely boiled. Try it and cook for your health.