How to prepare Olivier according to the recipe of Tatiana Tolstoy
Olivier has a long and interesting history. It was named after its creator, the chef Lucien Olivier, who owned the Hermitage restaurant in Moscow in the early 1860s.
Over time, the salad from the restaurant turned into homemade. In Soviet times, it was especially often prepared for the New Year and other holidays.
TV presenter, publicist and literary critic Tatiana Tolstaya has her own idea about this dish: Olivier has a historically developed set of products. Whether to put a chicken in it, than to fill it - who witnessed these battles on the Internet, he can safely write the poem "Borodino" and sign his own name.
Another thing is Olivier as a tasty, popular (I do not fear this word) salad for any holiday.
There is no permanent recipe for this delicious olive can not be and should not be. That's what he's great for! A forest will also be called a forest, no matter what trees it consists of, and a garden, well, that’s different. And the bush is the third.
Even the filth that is served in some countries under the name “Russian salad” is still olive, only disgusting.
“If you want a truly delicious olive, do not aim for any historical accuracy, but follow a few basic rules.
Olivier Salad Classic Ingredients
Try to cook Olivier according to the old-new recipe, appreciate the taste. Perhaps this is the option. olivier Sausages will seem the most interesting to you.
Over time, the salad from the restaurant turned into homemade. In Soviet times, it was especially often prepared for the New Year and other holidays.

TV presenter, publicist and literary critic Tatiana Tolstaya has her own idea about this dish: Olivier has a historically developed set of products. Whether to put a chicken in it, than to fill it - who witnessed these battles on the Internet, he can safely write the poem "Borodino" and sign his own name.
Another thing is Olivier as a tasty, popular (I do not fear this word) salad for any holiday.
There is no permanent recipe for this delicious olive can not be and should not be. That's what he's great for! A forest will also be called a forest, no matter what trees it consists of, and a garden, well, that’s different. And the bush is the third.
Even the filth that is served in some countries under the name “Russian salad” is still olive, only disgusting.

“If you want a truly delicious olive, do not aim for any historical accuracy, but follow a few basic rules.
- Don't put potatoes in it.
- Cut all products finely, if possible under the size of a pea.
- Do not spare eggs and well-boiled carrots.
- Cucumbers should be barrel, folk, and pickled fu. I understand that expats will find it difficult, but then look for canned, not sweet cucumbers with a minimum of vinegar.

Olivier Salad Classic Ingredients
- 500g beef
- 280g canned peas
- 1/2 lemon
- 150g carrots
- 250g pickles
- 150g fresh cucumbers
- 5 eggs
- 150g apples
- 150g sour cream
- 75g mayonnaise
- 10g sugar
- Boil the meat, remove the fat from it and cut it in small cubes, the size of a pea. Carrots boil, peel and also cut. Then crumble the eggs finely.
DepositPhotos - Cucumbers peel off the skin, as it is often too hard, cut into small cubes. Do the same with fresh cucumbers. Let them drain, don't add wet to the salad. You can use a wacko for that. Olivier salad with fresh cucumber It'll taste better.
DepositPhotos - Take the apple varieties "antonovka", half also cut, having previously cleaned the peel.
DepositPhotos - Then prepare a dressing, according to Tatiana Tolstoy, it determines the taste of the salad: “Squeeze the juice of half a lemon.” Remove the bones. Add 1 tablespoon of sugar and stir while trying. Don't sweeten it. When the lemon stops being deafeningly sour, the balance is reached. No salting, cucumbers will do it.
“Now there is a lot of good sour cream. Stir it up. And only then - a little mayonnaise, half the amount of sour cream. If you do so, your olive will smell of spring, youth, freshness and other highly valued qualities, rather than dragging hard and gloomy, as if he were in boots and with unwashed feet.
Try to cook Olivier according to the old-new recipe, appreciate the taste. Perhaps this is the option. olivier Sausages will seem the most interesting to you.