How to learn to accept expensive gifts

Some women are given one flower and others a million scarlet roses. I would like to get beautiful bouquets for everyone.

We will tell you what determines the willingness of a man to be generous to a woman whom he sympathizes.


The most expensive gifts immediately note that not only financial situation. A person can be rich, but still be stingy. Or give selectively: someone to present a luxurious gift, and someone a modest thing.

How do you make a man want to give gifts? And good gifts, which make up a significant part of his budget, spend his resources on a woman.

What women and in what cases do men give gifts?

  1. Those who want to seduce. Giving gifts, men try to win, and sometimes buy the favor of women. Those women who are willing to spend time with a man who is not even able to buy coffee get nothing. A man sees no reason to spend money where you can do without it.


  2. The second halves, when a man feels like a man-father, a man-earner, a man-protector. Expensive gift to wife It is an investment in the well-being and happiness of the family. Giving gifts or providing, he first emphasizes his status. And secondly, it keeps the relationship going. It is a question of education and self-positioning of men.


  3. Elected ones who got cold. Often a man tries to revive feelings by giving gifts.


  4. Women who need to be apologized to. A gift is a good way to make amends.



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