Why send your loved one on the right path?

Mostly. family conflict This is due to misunderstandings between people. And when it comes to our own family, we may not notice some nuances that could help resolve the conflict, because in this case our perception of reality is devoid of all objectivity.

Today we want to share with you the story of 54-year-old Irina, which will be a clear example of how a small misunderstanding can lead to a serious quarrel and resentment between spouses.

And the editorial board. "Site" will tell How to behave in a conflict situation To reach an understanding with your other half.

The other day my husband and I had a big quarrel over a simple trifle. We were driving in the car and listening to the radio, and at one point I wanted to turn the volume down, which I did. As soon as my hand touched the tape recorder, my husband yelled at me furiously. I, of course, also did not remain silent - so it turned out that we reached the destination already on a platoon.

I was the first to cool down and go on the path of reconciliation, but this old stump decided to stop talking to me altogether. Think of it! Where is it that men should beg forgiveness for his own transgression?!

In general, the whole night after the incident, the husband spent in the living room, on the sofa. We made peace only three weeks later, and again on my initiative.

It happens so often that I no longer have the strength. And since this is not the first time, I decided that this can not continue, and I told my husband about it. He just nodded in agreement and again everything happens in a circle.

It got to the point that we constantly sleep in different rooms, eat separately from each other, and generally live separately, albeit in a shared apartment.

I'm really sorry this is happening. The relationship used to be wonderful. Just a few years ago, we did not want souls in each other, and suddenly...

I know that if I come and hug him, he will smile and move on. But how much can I?! I do this all the time, and I'm almost never guilty of conflicts. ?

The first thing to do in this case is to try to recall the events of the past years, which initially led to the deterioration of relations. Most likely, it was an excessively stressful situation (the death of a loved one, changes at work or, for example, a major quarrel with bosom friends).

Arguments never happen out of the blue. Maybe it's all about long-standing grievances. It is worth once again trying to dispose of the spouse to the dialogue and find out what is going on in his soul.

Often silent people simply do not want to burden others with their problems, which is why most misunderstandings occur. This is especially true of the relationship between husband and wife. Perhaps Irina’s husband just decided to go the path of least resistance, so as not to hurt his beloved woman, not to say rude words and generally protect from his negativity.

You can offer your husband to do his favorite thing together: go fishing, buy tickets for a football game or a movie, or visit the theater. In short, you need to give your man positive emotions and confidence that you are tuned for a calm and meaningful conversation, and not the usual “flight analysis”.

And those who found themselves in the place of the spouse of our narrator, you need to understand that the negative accumulated over the years tends to one day result in a serious emotional outburst that can do even more harm than a momentary manifestation of anger or irritation.

In any case, the most important thing is the willingness of both sides to resolve the conflict. As long as people are ready to come to consensus, be open with each other and try to maintain warm relations, you can be sure that sooner or later a solution will be found, quarrels will subside and life will improve.

Love each other! See you again.


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