To make meat or cutlets a hundred times tastier, just caramelize onions

This summer I was lucky to visit many interesting festivals, including the capital’s Beer Festival, held in July, where the main discovery for me was, oddly enough, not a unique drink, but caramelized onions.

Almost all chefs of local food courts had dishes with the addition of this appetizing ingredient in the menu. But only one cook managed to conquer my heart with a juicy burger with caramel onion crumb. And despite the hype, I managed to extort where they learned to cook onions so tasty.

It turned out that the guys are long-time subscribers of the YouTube channel “Iberica”, which presents not only a huge number of interesting recipes, but also many interesting stories about Spain and its gastronomy.

You can immediately go to acquaintance with the channel, or first add to your culinary piggy bank this wonderful recipe - the choice is yours. In any case, you will not regret the time spent, of which I am absolutely sure!

Caramelized onions Ingredients
  • 800g onions
  • salt
  • olive-oil

  1. The first thing you need to clean the onions of husks and cut it with semi-rings. To avoid tears, before cutting, peeled bulbs can be sent to the freezer for 5-10 minutes.

  2. Then we pour olive oil on a hot pan and pour onions into it. By the way, it is better to use utensils with a thick bottom, since heat is more evenly distributed in it.

  3. Then the onions should be salted, stirred and left to stew under the lid on a slow fire.

  4. From time to time, the pan cover should be lifted so that the steam gets into the pan and mixed with onion juice (this is due to the process of camarelization). Do not forget to stir the onions so that they do not burn

  5. When the onion acquires a golden brown hue, you can remove the pan from the fire and proceed to the most pleasant stage - tasting.

Many people use sugar or balsamic vinegar for caramelization (it is also called balsamic). Not to say that this is a gross mistake and can not be done so. But in the classic version of cooking, there is no need to add these ingredients, since in the process of stewing the onions themselves become sweet to the taste.

For those who like to cook with video, leave a video from the author of the recipe here. Don’t forget to thank the guys like you if you liked their video!


Caramelized onions are perfectly combined with meat dishes, and also harmonizes well with various vegetable side dishes. No wonder it is customary to add it to burgers and serve with aromatic kebabs.

I hope the recipe was helpful. We will be grateful if you can share with what dishes you combine this wonderful snack.

Bon appetit and see you soon!


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