If I returned to the USSR for a day, I would buy kvass from a barrel and a filling.
Nostalgia for youth or childhood overnight covers the soul. What do we do? How do you go back in time? How do you experience all the best emotions again? Imagine that such an opportunity exists... What would you do if you were in the past?
We have prepared a small list of things and products that you should pay attention to once you find yourself in the USSR. It is not for nothing that the Union was famous for the highest quality of technologies and products, because even now you can sometimes hear that “then it was better.”
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A post shared by MONTHS FROM THE Past (@mgnovenya_iz_proshlogo)
Everyone will definitely have specific wishes that he would like to fulfill for a day in the past. Someone would fall into a carefree childhood, someone in a sleepless youth, and someone would again experience valuable moments of maturity.
Feel the taste of carelessness Everyone would definitely want taste the most delicious filling from the USSR. Yes, something that was made by the guest and only from natural raw materials. How it was enjoyed not only by children, but also by adults. I couldn't pull it by the ears. That seal had a very short shelf life, which once again confirmed that it was made from real milk.
What was the milkshake like? Well, remember his taste. Such a fragrant sweetness for only 10 cents. Although now it seems that 10 kopecks are no longer worth anything, but under the Union, with this money, you would buy two delicious bagels and, weaving by both cheeks, run to your friends.
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A post shared by "80/90s" Gift sets. (@rodom_iz_detstva8090)
Here, without what exactly would not have been a return to the times of the Union, it is without the spirits of "Shahrazad" factory "Scarlet Sails". It is now negligently attributed to the status of "vintage", and then Shahrazada was every fashionista’s dream. And that's indisputable.
Of course, everyone will remember those perfumes that were to her liking. But re-smelling the true smell of your favorite perfumes should definitely fit into your plans for the journey into the past.
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A post shared by Larisa Rosental (@larosental)
If someone now works Soviet meat grinder or mixer, he is definitely lucky. This technique has survived for decades and may well last as long. It has always been reliable, because it is made only of high-quality material. Made by people for people.
Even it seems that such devices and the taste of cooked dishes automatically improve. And the dough will turn out, and the meat is tender. Who knows, this is such magic or simple nostalgia does not soberly assess what is happening. But we do know that a piece of pleasant emotions definitely adds flavor.
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A post shared by Author's Cats and Dolls (@olgaromanovadoll)
Eh, there was once no case that did without high-quality, Soviet household soap. It could have washed the spots, and saved from acne and cold. And against aphids fought, using soap, and with all sorts of fungus. And from the abscesses, soap helped, and from swelling and bites.
What a fantastic tool. People can do it! Just for centuries. It would seem that ordinary soap, and you sit and think about how to go back in time and not forget such an important thing. But is it a change? Absolutely not.
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A post shared by Bani Alekseeva (@banialekseeva)
Bed linen made of real linen Such underwear mother daughters collected in a dowry. It saved from the heat in summer, and in winter it warmed no worse than modern blankets and covered. How did that happen? The answer is simple – this linen was made from real linen. Not like now, you pull the tip and it's all ripped.
It seems that back then, such sheets had some magic. Maybe we were just young then? And our carefree souls rejoiced in everything they saw on their way and shared that joy with others? And no money, gadgets and fashionable things we did not need.
Live a normal day again if you could! I would rush into the past, run towards youth with all my might. And there are parents, so young, so smiling. And hug them, hug them, that have strength. Laugh, joke, run barefoot through the very streets where I used to run when I was little.
Eat the most delicious ice cream, treat everyone around milkshakes, kvass, pastries. And all people are open, kind, everyone has joy in their eyes. I would like to get together and set the table, sing your favorite songs until morning dawn, and dance while you have enough strength.
© Freepik But still how to go back to the past? Where to run? Which wise man will tell you? We will all sincerely hope that the invention of a fantastic time machine is not far off. In the meantime, going back to childhood or adolescence in our memory, we thank you for the time we have already experienced. And for all the people that fate has given us.
We have prepared a small list of things and products that you should pay attention to once you find yourself in the USSR. It is not for nothing that the Union was famous for the highest quality of technologies and products, because even now you can sometimes hear that “then it was better.”
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A post shared by MONTHS FROM THE Past (@mgnovenya_iz_proshlogo)
Everyone will definitely have specific wishes that he would like to fulfill for a day in the past. Someone would fall into a carefree childhood, someone in a sleepless youth, and someone would again experience valuable moments of maturity.
Feel the taste of carelessness Everyone would definitely want taste the most delicious filling from the USSR. Yes, something that was made by the guest and only from natural raw materials. How it was enjoyed not only by children, but also by adults. I couldn't pull it by the ears. That seal had a very short shelf life, which once again confirmed that it was made from real milk.
What was the milkshake like? Well, remember his taste. Such a fragrant sweetness for only 10 cents. Although now it seems that 10 kopecks are no longer worth anything, but under the Union, with this money, you would buy two delicious bagels and, weaving by both cheeks, run to your friends.
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A post shared by "80/90s" Gift sets. (@rodom_iz_detstva8090)
Here, without what exactly would not have been a return to the times of the Union, it is without the spirits of "Shahrazad" factory "Scarlet Sails". It is now negligently attributed to the status of "vintage", and then Shahrazada was every fashionista’s dream. And that's indisputable.
Of course, everyone will remember those perfumes that were to her liking. But re-smelling the true smell of your favorite perfumes should definitely fit into your plans for the journey into the past.
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A post shared by Larisa Rosental (@larosental)
If someone now works Soviet meat grinder or mixer, he is definitely lucky. This technique has survived for decades and may well last as long. It has always been reliable, because it is made only of high-quality material. Made by people for people.
Even it seems that such devices and the taste of cooked dishes automatically improve. And the dough will turn out, and the meat is tender. Who knows, this is such magic or simple nostalgia does not soberly assess what is happening. But we do know that a piece of pleasant emotions definitely adds flavor.
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A post shared by Author's Cats and Dolls (@olgaromanovadoll)
Eh, there was once no case that did without high-quality, Soviet household soap. It could have washed the spots, and saved from acne and cold. And against aphids fought, using soap, and with all sorts of fungus. And from the abscesses, soap helped, and from swelling and bites.
What a fantastic tool. People can do it! Just for centuries. It would seem that ordinary soap, and you sit and think about how to go back in time and not forget such an important thing. But is it a change? Absolutely not.
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Bani Alekseeva (@banialekseeva)
Bed linen made of real linen Such underwear mother daughters collected in a dowry. It saved from the heat in summer, and in winter it warmed no worse than modern blankets and covered. How did that happen? The answer is simple – this linen was made from real linen. Not like now, you pull the tip and it's all ripped.
It seems that back then, such sheets had some magic. Maybe we were just young then? And our carefree souls rejoiced in everything they saw on their way and shared that joy with others? And no money, gadgets and fashionable things we did not need.

Live a normal day again if you could! I would rush into the past, run towards youth with all my might. And there are parents, so young, so smiling. And hug them, hug them, that have strength. Laugh, joke, run barefoot through the very streets where I used to run when I was little.
Eat the most delicious ice cream, treat everyone around milkshakes, kvass, pastries. And all people are open, kind, everyone has joy in their eyes. I would like to get together and set the table, sing your favorite songs until morning dawn, and dance while you have enough strength.

© Freepik But still how to go back to the past? Where to run? Which wise man will tell you? We will all sincerely hope that the invention of a fantastic time machine is not far off. In the meantime, going back to childhood or adolescence in our memory, we thank you for the time we have already experienced. And for all the people that fate has given us.
No need to tear the windowsill for hours, the plastic is snow-white in an instant.
What the 56-year-old model sacrificed for eternal youth