Which soup should be abandoned, unacceptable combinations of products
The first dishes are very popular in Slavic cuisine. Borscht, ear, shy, salt, brine and many others. Do not forget about the soups from other countries, which took root in the territory of the former Union, such as harcho or khash. But few chefs know, how to make soup The most useful and safe for the eater.
Soups are considered healthy food by definition. Some housewives even believe that any soup, whatever it was, will lead to a recovery of the body and weight loss. That's not really the case. The wrong combination of ingredients can lead to the opposite result, which will necessarily affect the well-being of the whole family.
You probably need to start with the most dangerous and unhealthy soup in Slavic cuisine. saltwood. To be honest, this is just a meat slice with broth and several products of plant origin, such as olives or onions. There are hardly any people who eat salt every day.
However, it is because of its various meat components that our body suffers from this “liquid lettuce”. Several types of meat, including red. SmokingIt has never been marketed as a healthy food, but rather the opposite. And pickles, like the cherry on the cake, create a very heavy dish, especially dangerous to our cardiovascular system.
Come on. soup. When at the very beginning the broth boils for several hours with a huge amount of meat or lard, it will not be possible to call it useful. Let's start with calories. They're souped up. Because the broth becomes fatty. Plus, vegetables in the soup are usually boiled, which negatively affects their benefits.
Structure fiber It is changing and it is no longer so useful. But from potatoes, carrots, beets does not disappear anywhere. starchIt is harmful to human health, especially men. Elevated cholesterol Not many people like it either.
And category three. mushroom soups. Unfortunately, they are too heavy for our body, although this is not talked about anywhere. Mushrooms are not plants, they are a separate kingdom. And the benefits are in them, especially in shops, like a cat cried. In addition, they are practically not absorbed.
There has been some research on this. It turned out that our body is able to fully absorb and absorb ordinary mushrooms only in crushed form. form cream. Otherwise, he can't even handle them. What is the use of them if, apart from the aroma and subtle taste, you get nothing more from them?
So which of the first dishes will be the most useful, you ask. The answer is simple. vegetable-soup. No meat broth or heavy porridge. A little of that, a little of that. More. fiberas in Bulgarian pepper or cabbage, and smaller starchLike potatoes or corn. And you'll get a great result.
Some may complain about the lack of taste in such soups. But it's not. Add a few of your favorite spices, and you will understand the beauty of the lightness of such soups. Not satisfying? Well, let me tell you, this is the first dish, it's just supposed to stir up your appetite. No meat? Boiled meat with a small amount of garnish will solve this problem.
Of course, you can not eat only healthy food all your life. After all, then we will close our eyes to our preferences and generally forget what gastronomic happiness is. But, on the other hand, you need to overpower yourself a little and switch to a lighter menu sometimes too. This will make you healthier, and you will be able to update your taste preferences: old, tired products will play with new colors.
As always, the choice is yours!

Soups are considered healthy food by definition. Some housewives even believe that any soup, whatever it was, will lead to a recovery of the body and weight loss. That's not really the case. The wrong combination of ingredients can lead to the opposite result, which will necessarily affect the well-being of the whole family.
You probably need to start with the most dangerous and unhealthy soup in Slavic cuisine. saltwood. To be honest, this is just a meat slice with broth and several products of plant origin, such as olives or onions. There are hardly any people who eat salt every day.

However, it is because of its various meat components that our body suffers from this “liquid lettuce”. Several types of meat, including red. SmokingIt has never been marketed as a healthy food, but rather the opposite. And pickles, like the cherry on the cake, create a very heavy dish, especially dangerous to our cardiovascular system.
Come on. soup. When at the very beginning the broth boils for several hours with a huge amount of meat or lard, it will not be possible to call it useful. Let's start with calories. They're souped up. Because the broth becomes fatty. Plus, vegetables in the soup are usually boiled, which negatively affects their benefits.

Structure fiber It is changing and it is no longer so useful. But from potatoes, carrots, beets does not disappear anywhere. starchIt is harmful to human health, especially men. Elevated cholesterol Not many people like it either.
And category three. mushroom soups. Unfortunately, they are too heavy for our body, although this is not talked about anywhere. Mushrooms are not plants, they are a separate kingdom. And the benefits are in them, especially in shops, like a cat cried. In addition, they are practically not absorbed.

There has been some research on this. It turned out that our body is able to fully absorb and absorb ordinary mushrooms only in crushed form. form cream. Otherwise, he can't even handle them. What is the use of them if, apart from the aroma and subtle taste, you get nothing more from them?
So which of the first dishes will be the most useful, you ask. The answer is simple. vegetable-soup. No meat broth or heavy porridge. A little of that, a little of that. More. fiberas in Bulgarian pepper or cabbage, and smaller starchLike potatoes or corn. And you'll get a great result.

Some may complain about the lack of taste in such soups. But it's not. Add a few of your favorite spices, and you will understand the beauty of the lightness of such soups. Not satisfying? Well, let me tell you, this is the first dish, it's just supposed to stir up your appetite. No meat? Boiled meat with a small amount of garnish will solve this problem.
Of course, you can not eat only healthy food all your life. After all, then we will close our eyes to our preferences and generally forget what gastronomic happiness is. But, on the other hand, you need to overpower yourself a little and switch to a lighter menu sometimes too. This will make you healthier, and you will be able to update your taste preferences: old, tired products will play with new colors.

As always, the choice is yours!
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