What Makes Divorced Men Over 40 to Watch Young

The relationship of an adult man and a young woman always causes a lot of questions and outrage in the public. Although all the reasons why a forty-year-old divorced man is looking for a young woman lie on the surface. By the way, there are older women who like young guys, but men are more often this sin. And, most importantly, young girls easily agree to enter into a relationship with an adult man, there is a reason for everything.

Why do middle-aged men after a divorce go after women half their age? It is possible that they looked in that direction before the divorce. Divorced men rarely get married again. While women try to keep their youth in beauty salons by the tail, men assert themselves at the expense of women younger than themselves. That's how they convince themselves that they're still fit, since they can pick up a young chick. And who doesn’t like a young toned body with a cute face without a shadow of fatigue?

After a divorce, a man feels free, as if he has wings, and this freedom he will never again sacrifice in the name of marriage with a nerd. This is how they see women who live with 10-20 years. During this time, neither man nor woman grows younger. And while the woman tries her best to feed, wash and clothe everyone, she spends herself for the good of the family: “She is no longer the mischievous girl I fell in love with,” says Andrei. Yeah, she's not the same anymore, but that sad woman she's married to you, hilarious you, Andrei. And you're not the nice, caring guy you were 20 years ago.

Only for some reason it is customary to think that a woman was created to put life on the care of children and daily cooking. The paradox is that no one needs such exemplary housewives. "There is no spark in her," they say of the poor woman. She would never climb Mount Everest or parachute because she could not leave her children to fend for themselves if something happened. She's not funny.

And girls in their 20s have no one to care about, they live their lives to the fullest, as they say. That's what attracts you. With such a girl comes inspiration, desire to live. In addition, an adult woman cannot be controlled. She knows her worth and will not sacrifice her pride for a man. A young woman admires her adult chosen one, she has something to teach, and this gives a man confidence in himself.

Why do girls accept the courtship of men who are older? Because a man in his 40s, even if divorced, can provide for himself and his companion. Unlike a twenty-year-old who is not shy about taking pocket money from his parents. Confidence and wealth attract, and the unknown and lack of experience frighten both. And if you can just go along with a grown man who will take care of you, why not?

And yet people are happy together when they are both confident and love each other sincerely. Or they are happy when they can compensate for their shortcomings at the expense of another person, only such a relationship is short-lived, like youth itself.


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