Рецепт бездрожжевого домашнего хлеба на кефире
If you paid attention to the composition of purchased bread, then, probably, more than once upset by the number of not the most useful ingredients in it. For this reason, housewives often learn to bake homemade bread without the use of unwanted ingredients. However, there are already countless recipes. How do you choose the best one?
Editorial "Site" This will make it easier for you and tell you how to make fragrant yeastless for the whole family!
Yeastless bread in the oven Bread, prepared according to this instruction, always turns out tasty and soft. It can be a great substitute for a poor quality product.
The ingredients
I attach a video of Maria Smolnikova to my detailed instructions so that you can see firsthand each of the stages of making this bread.
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=RD82prBo5f0
I'm sure once you've tried this kind of bread, you won't want to buy a store. You can. pepper sunflower or pumpkin, flax or chia seeds to your taste. So your bread will only be more nutritious and healthy. Do not be afraid to experiment in the kitchen, because only in this way you will know which recipe suits you best. Good luck!
Editorial "Site" This will make it easier for you and tell you how to make fragrant yeastless for the whole family!

Yeastless bread in the oven Bread, prepared according to this instruction, always turns out tasty and soft. It can be a great substitute for a poor quality product.
The ingredients
- 500ml kefir
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 tsp soda
- 1–1.5 tbsp honey/sugar
- 3 tbsp vegetable oil
- 2 tbsp (500g) wheat flour
- 1.5 tbsp rye flour
- 10g sesame
- cereal
- 0.5 tbsp bran (optional)
- Pour into a bowl of kefir, add salt, soda, vegetable oil and honey or sugar of your choice. Kefir can be taken both fat-free and with a small percentage of fat content. We mix all the ingredients carefully.
- When choosing flour, also be guided by your preferences. You can prepare such bread entirely from wheat flour or mix it with rye, buckwheat or any other. We begin to mix flour into kefir mixture.
- Stir the dough with a spoon. Do not add more flour if you see that the dough is slightly liquid. The main thing is to achieve a homogeneous mass, but the dough should be quite loose and stick to the hands.
- We sprinkle the tablet with flour and lay the finished dough on the surface with a spoon.
- We are finally starting to shape our bread. A little envelop the dough in flour for convenience and create the desired shape (usually oblong or round).
- We cover the bowl with food paper or foil so that the dough does not burn, and lay it on the surface. We make several horizontal incisions with a knife throughout the bread area. Then send everything to the oven heated to 210-230 ° C for 30-35 minutes. After this time, check the toothpick readiness of baking. Take out the finished bread and cover it with a towel until it cools down.
I attach a video of Maria Smolnikova to my detailed instructions so that you can see firsthand each of the stages of making this bread.
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=RD82prBo5f0
I'm sure once you've tried this kind of bread, you won't want to buy a store. You can. pepper sunflower or pumpkin, flax or chia seeds to your taste. So your bread will only be more nutritious and healthy. Do not be afraid to experiment in the kitchen, because only in this way you will know which recipe suits you best. Good luck!