What to do with the plum in the spring, so that each flower turns into a juicy fruit
Spring is not as early as last year. But the time to think about the future harvest of fruits and berries has already come. Plum in the garden often suffers from the fall of the ovary and wintering pests. And how to get rid of this scourge, experienced gardeners know.
Plum in the garden to get rid of wintering pests shrubs treated with boiling water. But to pull such a trick with tall trees is not so easy. And from all pests and diseases, he does not save.
Therefore, resourceful summer residents found a better and easier way. At the end of a long bar of rebar, they fasten an oily cloth. Then the flame of the torch is quickly carried along the tips of the branches. Fire kills up to 80% of pests. Therefore, the need for chemical spraying decreases.
This should be done in early spring, while there is still snow and the kidneys are asleep. At the same time, you can spray plums with a concentrated solution of urea.
Treatment of the garden with urea (carbamide) effectively destroys pest pupae, aphid, copper, weevils, egg-laying, fights scab and garden rot.
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Preparing a salvage solution is not difficult. To do this, you will need 700 grams of urea (liter jar) and 10 liters of hot water.
Taking precautions, pour hot water into any container, and then pour urea and stir thoroughly. When spraying, pay special attention to the tips of branches on which the aphid nests.
To kill pests and do not harm trees, do not spray them in rainy weather and at temperatures below 5 degrees. Do not exceed the concentration of urea and do not mix it with other substances. Don't spray your open kidneys.
Spraying iron chelate You can independently prepare a solution of iron chelate from available iron sulfur. Solutions in 2 liters of warm water 8 grams of iron sulfur.
In a separate container, solutions in 2 liters of water 5 grams of citric acid. In a thin stream, pour a solution of iron sulfur into a solution of citric acid. Add another liter of water. You get 5 liters of half percent orange solution. They need to be sprayed before flowering, when the leaves have already turned.
For a generous harvest, plums need feeding. For each tree, you need to allocate 3 tablespoons of superphosphate, 2 tablespoons of potassium and a tablespoon of calcium nitrate, which is necessary for all stones. If spring is dry, then before feeding the trees need to be watered.
What to do with overwintering pests With the arrival of heat and the beginning of flowering plums from the ground begin to crawl out overwintering pests. To protect the crop from them, you can close the trunk circle with agro-tissue and fill it with a thick layer of cut grass.
From pests that arrive, spraying with broad-spectrum insecticides, such as phytoverm, will help. Insects lose their ability to feed 8 hours after treatment, and after a few days die. The drug decomposes 2-3 days on the surface of the leaves and up to 30 hours in the ground.
Now you know the best way to take care of stone trees. The totality of all these activities is enough to ensure that the plums in the garden are clean, and the harvest not only pleased in the summer, but also allowed to provide the family with delicious preservation for the winter.

Plum in the garden to get rid of wintering pests shrubs treated with boiling water. But to pull such a trick with tall trees is not so easy. And from all pests and diseases, he does not save.

Therefore, resourceful summer residents found a better and easier way. At the end of a long bar of rebar, they fasten an oily cloth. Then the flame of the torch is quickly carried along the tips of the branches. Fire kills up to 80% of pests. Therefore, the need for chemical spraying decreases.
This should be done in early spring, while there is still snow and the kidneys are asleep. At the same time, you can spray plums with a concentrated solution of urea.
Treatment of the garden with urea (carbamide) effectively destroys pest pupae, aphid, copper, weevils, egg-laying, fights scab and garden rot.
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A post shared by Care for the Garden (@sad199.my1)
Preparing a salvage solution is not difficult. To do this, you will need 700 grams of urea (liter jar) and 10 liters of hot water.

Taking precautions, pour hot water into any container, and then pour urea and stir thoroughly. When spraying, pay special attention to the tips of branches on which the aphid nests.

To kill pests and do not harm trees, do not spray them in rainy weather and at temperatures below 5 degrees. Do not exceed the concentration of urea and do not mix it with other substances. Don't spray your open kidneys.
Spraying iron chelate You can independently prepare a solution of iron chelate from available iron sulfur. Solutions in 2 liters of warm water 8 grams of iron sulfur.

In a separate container, solutions in 2 liters of water 5 grams of citric acid. In a thin stream, pour a solution of iron sulfur into a solution of citric acid. Add another liter of water. You get 5 liters of half percent orange solution. They need to be sprayed before flowering, when the leaves have already turned.
For a generous harvest, plums need feeding. For each tree, you need to allocate 3 tablespoons of superphosphate, 2 tablespoons of potassium and a tablespoon of calcium nitrate, which is necessary for all stones. If spring is dry, then before feeding the trees need to be watered.
What to do with overwintering pests With the arrival of heat and the beginning of flowering plums from the ground begin to crawl out overwintering pests. To protect the crop from them, you can close the trunk circle with agro-tissue and fill it with a thick layer of cut grass.

From pests that arrive, spraying with broad-spectrum insecticides, such as phytoverm, will help. Insects lose their ability to feed 8 hours after treatment, and after a few days die. The drug decomposes 2-3 days on the surface of the leaves and up to 30 hours in the ground.
Now you know the best way to take care of stone trees. The totality of all these activities is enough to ensure that the plums in the garden are clean, and the harvest not only pleased in the summer, but also allowed to provide the family with delicious preservation for the winter.
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