How to choose exotic fruits
Fruit is an incredibly healthy snack. Besides the fact that they saturate the body with vitamins, they also give a bouquet of bright emotions. But to fully enjoy their taste, it is important to choose ripe and a quality product. And if to distinguish juicy apples or plums from perespevshey or green for us is not difficult, with exotic fruit can be difficult.
The choice of watermelon is one of the most difficult and important missions, which in August is facing everyone. We offer the basic methods of determining the ripeness of this fruit:
Although the melon in our latitudes it is difficult to name the exotic fruit, the fruit is in second place, after the watermelon, according to frequency of use. The main rule in the choice of pseudo-berries: melon should be clean, without black spots or cracks, and the crust it should smell like vanilla, honey, pineapple or pears. "Tail" melons have to be dry, and the "nose" (the trace of the flower) – slightly soft and moist.
Pineapple is also very much populyarnostyu. About the benefits this fruit is legendary, it is used to lose weight, put into desserts and baking, laying on the meat. It is strange that when there is a huge quantity of fresh fruit in the store, for some reason we often prefer to eat canned. And in fact, to choose a ripe pineapple is simple enough:
Called grapefruit exotic will not turn the language, but not always get to choose thin-skinned juicy fruit, but still with minimal bitterness. The secret is that the more red color on the peel, the sweeter the grapefruit. It should be elastic, smooth and shiny.
When selecting orange should also pay attention to its rind: porous and thick – a sign of dry pulp, smooth, firm and heavy enough fruit of medium size, usually juicy.
Mango come from various Sunny countries. The sweet fruits are brought from Peru. Their season is spring. To choose a delicious mango should pay attention to its density. Ripe fruit is slightly soft, tail juice stands out, there should not be wrinkles, and the flavor should be pleasant and gentle.
The papaya is eaten not often, but it is easy to find in the markets or supermarket shelves. When choosing fruit all the attention on the rind: the brighter and richer, the sweeter the fruit. It is believed that the taste of papaya depends on its size — the smaller, the better.
All the coconuts, at first glance, seem identical. To choose the ripe fruit is difficult, but knowing some secrets, it's more than possible:
Grenade, contrary to popular belief, do not have to be maroon. Often pale pink fruit is very tasty. The skin needs to be dry – this indicates juiciness of the fruit. Often on the skin of the pomegranate appear bumps is a good sign, take it.
The maximum amount of vitamin C contained in unusual fruit is the rambutan. "Hairy" fruit should not be scratchy, red or bright pink, the tips of the hairs green and not dry.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: lady.tochka.net/57733-khozyayke-na-zametku-kak-pravilno-vybirat-ekzoticheskie-frukty/?utm_medium=rss&utm_source=i.ua&utm_campaign=tochka_on_i

The choice of watermelon is one of the most difficult and important missions, which in August is facing everyone. We offer the basic methods of determining the ripeness of this fruit:
- knock – the more sonorous a sound is, the sweeter will be the result of a watermelon;
- look at the strips – Mature fruit looks very bright, the lines should be as contrast;
- to choose fruit is medium size – too small watermelons usually nedopetye and large can be "accused" of excessive nitrates;
- search yellow over – ripe fruit sure one side needs to be yellow or even bright orange, this is the side where the watermelon "lay" until ripe;
- choose "girl" - the bottom of the fetus in watermelon "female" is flat, while the "boys" he – convex. They say that "girl-watermelons" the most juicy, delicious and sweet.
Although the melon in our latitudes it is difficult to name the exotic fruit, the fruit is in second place, after the watermelon, according to frequency of use. The main rule in the choice of pseudo-berries: melon should be clean, without black spots or cracks, and the crust it should smell like vanilla, honey, pineapple or pears. "Tail" melons have to be dry, and the "nose" (the trace of the flower) – slightly soft and moist.
Pineapple is also very much populyarnostyu. About the benefits this fruit is legendary, it is used to lose weight, put into desserts and baking, laying on the meat. It is strange that when there is a huge quantity of fresh fruit in the store, for some reason we often prefer to eat canned. And in fact, to choose a ripe pineapple is simple enough:
- the fruit should have a light pungent smell;
- on the skin of the fruit should not be dark spots;
- the stem should easily be able to turn on 180 degrees.
Called grapefruit exotic will not turn the language, but not always get to choose thin-skinned juicy fruit, but still with minimal bitterness. The secret is that the more red color on the peel, the sweeter the grapefruit. It should be elastic, smooth and shiny.
When selecting orange should also pay attention to its rind: porous and thick – a sign of dry pulp, smooth, firm and heavy enough fruit of medium size, usually juicy.
Mango come from various Sunny countries. The sweet fruits are brought from Peru. Their season is spring. To choose a delicious mango should pay attention to its density. Ripe fruit is slightly soft, tail juice stands out, there should not be wrinkles, and the flavor should be pleasant and gentle.

The papaya is eaten not often, but it is easy to find in the markets or supermarket shelves. When choosing fruit all the attention on the rind: the brighter and richer, the sweeter the fruit. It is believed that the taste of papaya depends on its size — the smaller, the better.
All the coconuts, at first glance, seem identical. To choose the ripe fruit is difficult, but knowing some secrets, it's more than possible:
- if you shake a coconut, inside should hear the squishing sound of coconut milk;
- holes-"eyes" of the fruit should not pressing to push;
- the bright fruits are usually the most fresh.
Grenade, contrary to popular belief, do not have to be maroon. Often pale pink fruit is very tasty. The skin needs to be dry – this indicates juiciness of the fruit. Often on the skin of the pomegranate appear bumps is a good sign, take it.

The maximum amount of vitamin C contained in unusual fruit is the rambutan. "Hairy" fruit should not be scratchy, red or bright pink, the tips of the hairs green and not dry.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: lady.tochka.net/57733-khozyayke-na-zametku-kak-pravilno-vybirat-ekzoticheskie-frukty/?utm_medium=rss&utm_source=i.ua&utm_campaign=tochka_on_i