Gypsy recipe for apricot jam
To prepare jamYou don’t have to spend a few hours on it. Editorial "Site" Knows a wonderful recipe for jam, the preparation of which takes 15 minutes.
Usually, to prepare jam thick, you have to cook it for a long time. If you do not have much time for the classic method, we recommend cheating. After 15 minutes, a fragrant thick jam is obtained, and when it stands a little in the jar, real gums are obtained from the fruits of apricot. This treat will please you at any time of the year, and it is prepared very easily.
The ingredients
The recipe was shared on his channel cheerful hostess Galina. Look how cleverly she rolls jars of golden apricot jam!
If you have never tried making apricot jam this way, be sure to take note of this simple recipe. With agar-agar, cherry, strawberry jam is also prepared. The berries in any of them look like marmalade. Do you make jam for the winter?
Usually, to prepare jam thick, you have to cook it for a long time. If you do not have much time for the classic method, we recommend cheating. After 15 minutes, a fragrant thick jam is obtained, and when it stands a little in the jar, real gums are obtained from the fruits of apricot. This treat will please you at any time of the year, and it is prepared very easily.

The ingredients
- 1kg apricots
- 1 kg of sugar
- 3 tbsp water
- 1/3 tsp citric acid
- 20g agar-agar
- Carefully wash the apricots and remove the bone. You do not need to cut the fruits, jam in this recipe is prepared from halves of apricots.
- Prepare liter or half-liter cans. They need to be sterilized for 3-5 minutes in the microwave or any other convenient way. Also boil the covers for rolling cans for about 3 minutes.
- Put the apricots in a deep pan or pan with a thick bottom. It is desirable that the surface of the dishes was with non-stick coating.
- Pour 3 tbsp of water and send the pan with apricots to the fire. Cook apricots on an average heat of 5 minutes until the apricot juice begins to stand out. Stir the apricots with a wooden spatula from time to time.
- Divide the sugar into 3 parts. Add the first part to the apricots and stir them with a spatula. When the sugar melts slightly, add the next serving of sugar. Stir the apricots from the bottom up, add a third of the sugar.
- Turn down the fire and wait until the apricot jam boils. When the mass boils, add citric acid and cook everything for about 10-12 minutes.
- A few minutes before cooking, dilute agar-agar 4 tbsp of water and add to jam.
- Take the foam off the jam and pour it into sterilized jars. From this amount of ingredients, 1200 ml of jam is obtained.
The recipe was shared on his channel cheerful hostess Galina. Look how cleverly she rolls jars of golden apricot jam!
If you have never tried making apricot jam this way, be sure to take note of this simple recipe. With agar-agar, cherry, strawberry jam is also prepared. The berries in any of them look like marmalade. Do you make jam for the winter?
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