Gypsy recipe for cherry jam without tedious cooking berries
Without letting the juice, of course, will not do. How we will do this, now we will tell you in detail, and before that imagine an excellent candied cherry, which after processing retains taste and looks like fresh! We do everything in the gypsy manner, and we will turn out great cherry.
The entire editorial board "Site" It consists of lovers of cooking quickly, tasty and original, and therefore recipes around the world collects similar ones. The Gypsies have not been spared, and there is much to learn from them. This time, we will not guess on the tarot cards, but this does not mean that we will not have to work at all. Stop talking, it’s time to get to work!
There are few cherries in Ingredients syrup, and everything seems very simple. However, if you have not done something like this before, you will have to fill your hand a little. Let’s start with a kilogram of cherries to make everything as clear as possible, and then, when you feel confident in your abilities, you can switch to industrial scale. Okay.
The ingredients
Cherry in syrup and how to prepare it
From the editorial office, we did not clarify the question about the bones. If the cherry is small, why play with it and spoil your nerves? But you can take the bone out, so it's like feng shui. Banks can take half a liter, for this recipe enough three pieces. Or you can take six smaller, with a capacity of 250 milliliters. To understand exactly how the cooking process takes place, watch the video from the gypsy Galina, so you will not miss the nuances.
On this we say goodbye and wish you a pleasant mood, which, of course, will improve the delightful cherryCreated with your own hands. Just look at this link on how to make cherry pie on cottage cheese dough. Bon appetit and thank you for staying with us!

The entire editorial board "Site" It consists of lovers of cooking quickly, tasty and original, and therefore recipes around the world collects similar ones. The Gypsies have not been spared, and there is much to learn from them. This time, we will not guess on the tarot cards, but this does not mean that we will not have to work at all. Stop talking, it’s time to get to work!

There are few cherries in Ingredients syrup, and everything seems very simple. However, if you have not done something like this before, you will have to fill your hand a little. Let’s start with a kilogram of cherries to make everything as clear as possible, and then, when you feel confident in your abilities, you can switch to industrial scale. Okay.

The ingredients
- 1kg ripe cherries
- 1 kg of sand sugar
- 2-3 g of citric acid
- 200 ml of drinking water
Cherry in syrup and how to prepare it
- First, mix the sugar with water. The container is better to choose with thick walls so that the dishes are heated evenly. A small cossack is quite suitable for this. Bring the sugar to a boil, add the acid and immediately record the time. Future syrup should boil for 10-12 minutes, but not longer, so as not to caramelize too much.
- Before you stir the sugar, put in the microwave cans, in which you will then fold the cherries. Pour about half the water in them and let them boil for 10 minutes. The same should be done with lids, but they can simply be kept in boiling water for 5 minutes.
- Sterilized cans and lids put on the towel, let cool and dry, it's time to do syrup and cherries. Pour hot syrup into a container where the washed cherries already lie, mix a little so that the syrup completely covers the berries. The boiling process will continue, and the cherry will let the juice out. It's normal. Let him stand for 10 minutes.
- It is time to drain the syrup: use the same container as in the first round, you do not need to wash anything. Pour the cherries into the coop and let the syrup drain properly. Again, put it on a medium fire, let it boil and cook for 6-7 minutes. Put the cherry back in a container where you'll re-fill the syrup.
- The second time the cherries do not need to mix, just a little watered and collect caramel from the walls. Cover the container with a lid and leave for 20 minutes. Cherries should plentifully let the juice, as a result, the syrup will turn out to be quite liquid. Throw the berries back on the coop. When they drain, they can be transferred to banks, the syrup itself should be boiled again for the same 6-7 minutes.
- Spread the cherries evenly in the cans, but be sure to leave some space. Remove the foam from the boiling syrup, now you can pour it. Use a regular ladle for that. Close a full jar with a lid, and then as with ordinary jam: turn upside down and let it stand for two or three days, then clean it in the pantry. Done!
From the editorial office, we did not clarify the question about the bones. If the cherry is small, why play with it and spoil your nerves? But you can take the bone out, so it's like feng shui. Banks can take half a liter, for this recipe enough three pieces. Or you can take six smaller, with a capacity of 250 milliliters. To understand exactly how the cooking process takes place, watch the video from the gypsy Galina, so you will not miss the nuances.

On this we say goodbye and wish you a pleasant mood, which, of course, will improve the delightful cherryCreated with your own hands. Just look at this link on how to make cherry pie on cottage cheese dough. Bon appetit and thank you for staying with us!
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