The story of a meeting with a childhood friend, suddenly very old

Unfortunately, no one in the world really knows, How to find true love. We're just looking for our companion among many, many options. Sometimes it seems that he is the perfect person with whom you want to spend your life! And that turns out to be a mistake.

Or, conversely, a friend with whom I have known since school and who, more like a brother, turns out to be a very sensual person and reliable in addition. And now, you close your eyes to the past to recognize this person from a completely different, gentle side.

The spring sun greedily, as if saving heat, illuminated just the beginning of the day. My daughter Anya and I were walking around our hometown in search of a small cafe to drink a milkshake and eat a croissant. It started to rain a little.

Having found the right place and made an order, I began to finish reading an interesting book about a beautiful maid. noblemanI still believe in fairy tales. The author meticulously described every hair curl on her head, every fold of her dress, the color of her eyes and even the warmth emanating from her smile.

To the description of the knight, he approached much more concisely: “He was wearing a helmet and took away the open one.” The girl saw only the look of two beautiful eyes full of love.” That's it. And indeed, why describe a man in a love affair? His ideal is that every woman has her own. For example, I would not fall in love with a stereotypical “pumping” with a huge hair. Give me thin and thin.

And someone, on the contrary, wants their companion to be a canonical handsome man from the magazine “Maim” with the most modern haircut, deep blue eyes and teeth whiter than any veneers. Yes, press cubes are included. How different we are after all...

Meanwhile, the rain was raging no longer childish and on poorly laid pavement slabs began to appear the first puddles. People took out their gray, identical umbrellas and continued to go about their business. Well, why not make different, colorful, parasol? To look at the huge streams of people rushing to work, it was impossible to restrain smiles? Then everyone’s mood would only improve, and life would become a little easier.

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed my old friend Yasya. We haven’t seen each other since she got married. Her husband is a great guy, a hard worker and the soul of the company. At least from the outside. In fact, unfortunately, he turned out to be a somewhat different person: constant criticism, distrust and shouting at a young woman that will drive anyone crazy.

I walked with the man, looked at the floor, but from time to time dreamily. In the time we didn't see her, she became visually older and kind of shabby. But now her eyes were filled with quiet joy.

I looked at the man and saw no familiar mustache, no black as pitched hair. Next to her was a stranger to me, in ordinary blue jeans and a wide not in size and weather shirt. He looked ahead and said something constantly. On his lips played the same dreamy smile as the one that slipped once at Yasi.

Before she disappeared, my friend looked around and saw me and my daughter. Her face somehow immediately lost the remnants of colors, and her eyes seemed to expand with fright. She just nodded to say hello and squeezed out a kind of unhappy smile of a tired person. The pair then disappeared from view.

15 minutes later, Anya asked for a drink and I ordered coffee. It’s nice to sit under a huge umbrella, even with an advertisement for some popular drink, and look at the scurrying people on whom water drips from the sky. It's curiously.

I came suddenly and almost out of nowhere. She just sat down with us and said hello. It is good that the daughter stuck her nose in the phone and did not react, I did not want her to see who the aunt Yaroslava, who recently looked 5 years younger than her mother, turned into.

“Woman, dear, hello. How are you? And we got caught in the rain, okay, but the freshness, you know, so special. I'm fine. Sort of. This is my friend, old man. I think I love him.. Andrey, remember, I studied with him, he wore my backpack and chocolates. We met recently, by accident, you won’t believe it.

What's next? I don't know, but like this, I just can't physically take it. But don't tell anyone, please don't name anyone. I hide him, he hides me, at least not to jinx, Yasochka, at least not to scare, at least to live happily a little, until the summer to last. We'll see. I believe in the good.

Then she left. I just sat there and digested everything she said. It is sad that this is how fate turned out. The noble knight was not such a knight and not so noble. But the one who did not want to look at in the past has now become a man. with whomever And you want to snuggle up.

Life is an amazing thing. I sighed unsatisfied in search of something invisible (it is hard to give up bad smoke habits) and slowly rose from my chair. The daughter, seeing that it was time to pack, turned off the phone with sadness. I left the money for the treat, we looked at each other and walked out of the cafe. The rain was over and the day promised to be good.


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