The story of a man who cheats on a mistress with three children
Human destinies, sometimes, are woven into so dense tangles that it is even difficult to determine where the thread begins and where its end. Today we have an unusual story for you. mistress A married man wants to take advantage of his position, probably for profit.
But it's not that simple. And what exactly went wrong with the woman, we will tell you in our article below. Names have been changed to preserve anonymity.
A young mistress means I'm a father of three. That's what a woman with whom I've been in a relationship for 12 years told me. They say that a man over 60 is nothing to surprise.
In fact, she's been insinuating for a long time that kids are like me and fit the timing. But it always seemed like a joke, and I didn’t really react. In fact, I like children. And so is she.
Natasha, unlike my wife, has some attractive energy. There is always something to talk about with her, and if you are in the mood, you can scandalize and laugh. I'm not the only one who thinks so. Moreover, her house is always clean, smells nice and small I like very much, it is good that the apartment is large and made on conscience. Not like these poor "Khrushchev" with no sound insulation.
We've known each other for, like, 12 years. But in the last 2 years, I really started getting attached to it. Having worked almost all my life in the same organization, I can confidently consider myself a wealthy person. Not an oligarch, of course, but there is a driver. “Our” and Natasha children often sent to the South, so that the childhood was sunny.
Natasha doesn't want to go abroad, and I can't, stay away. But we are good within the borders of the country: the forest or the beach, no matter what. The main thing is to have a good time. I've been on business all my life, so my wife doesn't even ask me when I'm coming. Apparently, she is not very interested in this...
So, about the kids. They can't be mine for two reasons. The first is probably quite weighty: I am infertile. That's how it happened, unexpectedly. The hospital said it was an examination. It was hard at first because I learned it at an early age. He was young.
And the second reason: I did DNA tests. What's so-and-so? I thought maybe it was like a movie. Once a year, as they say, the stick shoots? It doesn't. Kids are all good, dads are different.
And so, based on the results of the doctors, I realized that for me there is not much difference in whose children they are. I know them already, I see that they grow up to be normal people, even in spite of their mother’s character. And she has periods when everything is fine, and sometimes - when the sun does not warm, and the water is not wet enough. Then of course it's hard for us.
In the seventh ten to think about divorce and a change in lifestyle is quite difficult. Add to that Natasha's complex character and her attempt to trick me with the kids. I think I will stay with my wife, of course. And Nataha needs some help, it's not negotiated.
But first I want to punish her a little. He's trying to cheat me and make money. No, to ask how much it takes, why are we using these alien methods? No, don't think about it, it's nothing, I just want to do something so competent that she realizes what a fool she's been all this time. No shouting, no quarreling and God forbid assault.
That’s what I think, and nothing comes to mind. Maybe you can tell me, "Site"? There are many of you, and I'm alone and old. And you'll be interested in stretching your brains, and I'll have a good time. All right, I'm waiting for your advice on how to lightly punish your beloved woman so that she herself realizes that she was wrong. Thank you!
Unfortunately or fortunately, there is nothing we can do to help you, dear reader. The story, of course, is interesting and even intriguing, but we do not have the right to offer anything specific. With all our hearts we want to understand our feelings. And we sincerely believe that a man in the seventh ten will certainly cope with the task set for him. If not, our other readers will certainly help.

But it's not that simple. And what exactly went wrong with the woman, we will tell you in our article below. Names have been changed to preserve anonymity.
A young mistress means I'm a father of three. That's what a woman with whom I've been in a relationship for 12 years told me. They say that a man over 60 is nothing to surprise.
In fact, she's been insinuating for a long time that kids are like me and fit the timing. But it always seemed like a joke, and I didn’t really react. In fact, I like children. And so is she.

Natasha, unlike my wife, has some attractive energy. There is always something to talk about with her, and if you are in the mood, you can scandalize and laugh. I'm not the only one who thinks so. Moreover, her house is always clean, smells nice and small I like very much, it is good that the apartment is large and made on conscience. Not like these poor "Khrushchev" with no sound insulation.

We've known each other for, like, 12 years. But in the last 2 years, I really started getting attached to it. Having worked almost all my life in the same organization, I can confidently consider myself a wealthy person. Not an oligarch, of course, but there is a driver. “Our” and Natasha children often sent to the South, so that the childhood was sunny.
Natasha doesn't want to go abroad, and I can't, stay away. But we are good within the borders of the country: the forest or the beach, no matter what. The main thing is to have a good time. I've been on business all my life, so my wife doesn't even ask me when I'm coming. Apparently, she is not very interested in this...

So, about the kids. They can't be mine for two reasons. The first is probably quite weighty: I am infertile. That's how it happened, unexpectedly. The hospital said it was an examination. It was hard at first because I learned it at an early age. He was young.

And the second reason: I did DNA tests. What's so-and-so? I thought maybe it was like a movie. Once a year, as they say, the stick shoots? It doesn't. Kids are all good, dads are different.
And so, based on the results of the doctors, I realized that for me there is not much difference in whose children they are. I know them already, I see that they grow up to be normal people, even in spite of their mother’s character. And she has periods when everything is fine, and sometimes - when the sun does not warm, and the water is not wet enough. Then of course it's hard for us.

In the seventh ten to think about divorce and a change in lifestyle is quite difficult. Add to that Natasha's complex character and her attempt to trick me with the kids. I think I will stay with my wife, of course. And Nataha needs some help, it's not negotiated.
But first I want to punish her a little. He's trying to cheat me and make money. No, to ask how much it takes, why are we using these alien methods? No, don't think about it, it's nothing, I just want to do something so competent that she realizes what a fool she's been all this time. No shouting, no quarreling and God forbid assault.

That’s what I think, and nothing comes to mind. Maybe you can tell me, "Site"? There are many of you, and I'm alone and old. And you'll be interested in stretching your brains, and I'll have a good time. All right, I'm waiting for your advice on how to lightly punish your beloved woman so that she herself realizes that she was wrong. Thank you!

Unfortunately or fortunately, there is nothing we can do to help you, dear reader. The story, of course, is interesting and even intriguing, but we do not have the right to offer anything specific. With all our hearts we want to understand our feelings. And we sincerely believe that a man in the seventh ten will certainly cope with the task set for him. If not, our other readers will certainly help.
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