Husband gave an electric waffle maker, showing how I make cottage cheese waffles for harmony
It is difficult to find a person whose waffles do not cause wild delight. However, many exclude them from their diet, since it is quite high-calorie and generally not the most useful product. That's why the editorial board "Site" will tell you how to prepare the most delicious classic sweet waffles, as well as cheese with spinach and chocolate and curd waffles in the waffleries, from which the figure does not suffer.
Cheese waffles in waffleries Ingredients
Classic sweet waffles Ingredients
Unsweetened waffles with cheese and spinach Ingredients
Now you know which waffles won't add you extra pounds. They can be cooked for breakfast and snack. Keep these recipes so you don’t lose them. Bon appetit!

Cheese waffles in waffleries Ingredients
- 2 eggs
- 1.5-2 tbsp of sugar or sweetener
- 0.5 tsp baking powder
- 100g soft cottage cheese
- 30g any flour
- 10g cocoa
- Wrap eggs with sugar or sweetener into the foam. After that, we put in the soft curd. Then add flour, cocoa and baking powder. Let's mix it up.
- We warm up the waffle iron and minimally lubricate the surface with refined vegetable oil. However, you can not use it if the waffles are easily behind. We lay out about 3 tbsp. l dough for one waffle. The cooking time depends on the power of your device. It is best to focus on the formation of an appetizing golden crust, which indicates the readiness of dessert.
Classic sweet waffles Ingredients
- 2 eggs
- 300g applesauce (optional)
- 1.5-2 tbsp of sugar or sweetener
- 50g rice flour
- 150g oatmeal
- 0.5 tsp baking powder
- In a deep bowl, combine the eggs with sugar or sweetener. Then introduce baby or homemade apple puree, but you can do without it. Gradually interfering with oatmeal and rice flour. At the very end, we add baking powder and mix everything thoroughly to homogeneity.
- Put the dough in a heated waffle-tray and fry until ready. Before serving, we supplement waffles with fruits, honey or nuts at our discretion.
Unsweetened waffles with cheese and spinach Ingredients
- 150g cheese that melts well
- 50g spinach
- 1 egg
- 2 tbsp cornmeal
- 1 tbsp rice flour
- 75ml kefir
- We grind the cheese in a blender into a small crumb or rub it on a grater. The spinach leaves are whipped in a blender along with the egg and send the resulting mass to the cheese crumb. Stir everything and inject flour, and then pour kefir. Stir again. If the weight is dry, you can add a little more kefir.
- Bake waffles in a heated waffle-tray. Thanks to spinach in the composition, they have a very unusual bright green color.
Now you know which waffles won't add you extra pounds. They can be cooked for breakfast and snack. Keep these recipes so you don’t lose them. Bon appetit!
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