Why a woman should invite only her future husband to her house, and not drive her neighbors
Many men believe that the first date with a girl is just a formal meeting, where it is still impossible to understand whether people are suitable for each other. But in fact, it is the most indicative in terms of further development of relations.
If you are attentive enough to the details, from the first minutes you can understand whether to continue communication with the person you like. A clear proof of this can serve as the story of today’s hero Ilya.
About a month ago I met a charming girl Lily on the Internet. She captivated me with her sincerity and wit. It seemed that there were none that Lilya could not support. Therefore, talking with her brought me great pleasure.
Initially, communication took place exclusively in a friendly format. However, over time in our correspondence began to slip more and more notes of flirtation. And since she and I were free, we decided we could try a romantic relationship. But first I had to see you live.
I have repeatedly viewed photos of Lily posted on the network, and therefore in absentia managed to make a certain impression about her. In my imagination, she was a sweet, fragile girl, proud of her natural beauty. And this image, by the way, I really liked. So, going on a first date with her, I was hoping to see just such a modest charmer in front of me.
What was my surprise when instead of a timid nymph I was met by a fatal lady in full combat coloring! But that wasn’t the biggest disappointment of the day. My invitation to the restaurant the girl immediately refused, inviting in return immediately to his home. I was a little confused by this rapid development. After all, the house is clearly not the place where you should bring the first person you meet (even if we communicated before on the Internet platform).
Still, there was nowhere to go. Lilya behaved too persistently, and I did not want to offend her with my refusal. So soon I was sitting in her littered living room and quietly charting a strategic retreat plan.
The determination to permanently end communication on the same day gave me a story about a stormy party, which the girl arranged in her apartment on the eve of our meeting. I do not mind noisy companies and understand that there is not always enough time for household chores. And excessive makeup, of course, could be justified by excitement and the desire to like. I could easily close my eyes to all these small nuances. However, something inside me told me that we were not on our way with Lily.

If you are attentive enough to the details, from the first minutes you can understand whether to continue communication with the person you like. A clear proof of this can serve as the story of today’s hero Ilya.
About a month ago I met a charming girl Lily on the Internet. She captivated me with her sincerity and wit. It seemed that there were none that Lilya could not support. Therefore, talking with her brought me great pleasure.

Initially, communication took place exclusively in a friendly format. However, over time in our correspondence began to slip more and more notes of flirtation. And since she and I were free, we decided we could try a romantic relationship. But first I had to see you live.

I have repeatedly viewed photos of Lily posted on the network, and therefore in absentia managed to make a certain impression about her. In my imagination, she was a sweet, fragile girl, proud of her natural beauty. And this image, by the way, I really liked. So, going on a first date with her, I was hoping to see just such a modest charmer in front of me.

What was my surprise when instead of a timid nymph I was met by a fatal lady in full combat coloring! But that wasn’t the biggest disappointment of the day. My invitation to the restaurant the girl immediately refused, inviting in return immediately to his home. I was a little confused by this rapid development. After all, the house is clearly not the place where you should bring the first person you meet (even if we communicated before on the Internet platform).

Still, there was nowhere to go. Lilya behaved too persistently, and I did not want to offend her with my refusal. So soon I was sitting in her littered living room and quietly charting a strategic retreat plan.

The determination to permanently end communication on the same day gave me a story about a stormy party, which the girl arranged in her apartment on the eve of our meeting. I do not mind noisy companies and understand that there is not always enough time for household chores. And excessive makeup, of course, could be justified by excitement and the desire to like. I could easily close my eyes to all these small nuances. However, something inside me told me that we were not on our way with Lily.
Brought from Bukovel recipe branded Bukovin Mamalyga
The main rules that you can not break a beautiful woman to keep a stamp