What are the signs of fatigue on a woman’s face?

Active facial expressions in communication and age necessarily lead to the appearance of wrinkles on the face. Having discovered them, women often hurry to hide wrinkles with the help of cosmetics, Botox and other means. However, did you know that the marks on the skin can tell a lot about their mistress? Editorial "Site" He will tell you that the wrinkles speak to your character.

Today we suggest you to carefully examine your face and determine what wrinkle you have. most pronounced. Below you will find out what each of them means.

Wrinkles on your forehead Horizontal wrinkles on your forehead say you are artistic A person with a literary talent. You're probably a master of the printed word. If you have two wrinkles, then you succeed both in your career and in your personal life. But if there are three, then you are respected in the team, you have a wide circle of friends and in general all chances to achieve fame. If you want to, of course. However, keep in mind the periodical vacation and rest that you really need.

Wrinkles between the eyebrows You are purposeful! It is time to stop being ashamed of these wrinkles, because they testify to your high-level and excellent organizational skills. And you're a pretty shy person. If you see two parallel wrinkles, then you are distinguished by the makings of a leader. People like you can go into business or politics.

Above the upper lip around the mouth Girls with such a wrinkle should be bolder. You are modest, shy, defenseless and do not show your emotions violently. To feel comfortable, you need a strong shoulder. But you know how to be persistent and persistent when the situation demands it. You show others love of life, kindness and smile. Be a little more determined and luck will always be on your side!

People with a curved wrinkle over the nose pride, selfishness and selfishness. Most likely, you have already heard from friends about your stubbornness and determination. It is these qualities that help you to choose your environment very carefully, be punctual, honest and eventually reach great heights in your career.

The girl with such wrinkles is extremely intelligent, but vulnerable. "Woe from wits." The phrase that best describes you. You are extraordinarily noble, you usually know the most, you foresee everything three steps ahead, you have a developed intuition, you know how to set goals and confidently go to them. It is no wonder that you cause envy and even irritation in others, who often cause pain in response. By the way, among the richest people on the planet most people with nasolabial folds on the face. This suggests that it may be worth paying less attention to others and focusing on your path to happiness and wealth.

Your life credo: surprise me! You are the lucky owner of a rare childlike And the opportunity to get excited about everyday things. It’s because you’re open to the world and it’s open to you. Fate surrounds you with kind, positive people like yourself. You are not prone to despondency or boring, because life presents so many pleasant surprises! By the way, your childlike spontaneity is very attractive to men. You can safely use it.

You go through life with the motto: always smile! The girl with wrinkles in the corners is a real queen of smile, joy, laughter and irony. In any situation, you always try to smile first and then solve the problem. At the same time, your “smile girl” is sometimes replaced by “ironic girl”. In such times, you are able to throw out sharp phrases. But, fortunately, this happens rarely and goes very quickly. You still remain cheerful, intelligent and gentle to others.

Wrinkles around the eyes: upper and lower eyelids Such wrinkles serve as proof that you are good-natured, active, cheerful and cheerful. socialite. You have a great sense of humor and your friends know you can always be trusted. In the company you hear the most, you are even ready to lie, just to make people laugh. In addition, there is another good news: wrinkles around the eyes indicate your special attractiveness!

Do you recognize yourself in any of these areas? They were very happy to share their impressions about this test. We wish you many years to remain attractive and young!


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