After which time I always add boiled potatoes to the cutlets.

Let's cook tonight. tomato patties. This is a simple second dish, which probably happened at least once to try everyone. Meat can be taken absolutely any, but as in conventional cutlets, the most common options are chicken, pork or pork mixed with beef.

But before you go directly to the recipe itself, we have a little surprise for you: a few tips on how to make this dish even tastier and more interesting. Gastronomic art rests on details that can change the result in the most miraculous way.

Tomato cutlets Tips for cooking patties
  1. Do not be afraid to throw in the minced favorite spices that are stored on the kitchen shelf. Zira, cumin, coriander, fennel, hops-suneli perfectly complement the taste of meat dishes. And dry basil will add a touch of real Italy.

  2. If you want to add something to the meaty texture of the patty, use a delicate mashed potato and some bread pulp with finely chopped onions. It'll make the cutlets luxuriant.
  3. As an alternative to potatoes, boiled carrots crushed in a blender are well suited.

  4. Another alternative: add fried onions and mushrooms, and instead of bread couscous.
  5. For a delicate creamy taste, add softened milk pulp of a loaf.

  6. To chicken mince will fit grated sour and sweet apple. It will refresh the taste and add interesting notes. There is also an option with carrots and zucchini (zucchini, like carrots, grated, but without juice).
  7. For piquancy, grated ginger is also added, quite a bit.

Tomato patties Ingredients
  • 800g chicken fillet
  • 150g cabbage
  • 220g (2 pcs) of potatoes
  • 70g crackers
  • 2 teeth. Garlic
  • 140g tomato paste (2 tbsp with slide)
  • salt, pepper
  • hop-sunel
  • vegetable-oil

  1. Pass through the meat grinder first chicken fillet, and then cabbage, potatoes and garlic. In the resulting mixture add crackers and tomato paste. Add some spices. Knead the mince, a little bit at the end. Then let him rest for 10 minutes.

  2. Clean wet hands form the cutlets of the right size and lay them out on the kitchen board.

  3. Roast the cutlets on medium heat until golden on both sides. All set!

Such a simple, but at the same time delicious and hearty dish will suit any family member. Chicken itself is dietary meat, so the figure will not give extra centimeters. And the addition of potatoes and cabbage will make the taste and texture more diverse.

In addition, you can take advantage of our tips and cook a completely different dish on a similar basis with mushrooms, carrots or apples. And if spices come in, the taste can please from a completely unexpected side. Bon appetit. v=sZlNBu7YbHM

If you want, check out this short video recipe.


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