Autumn poppy pie, from which even a pampered husband spoils cakes
Simple poppy pie.Which came to us from the Ukrainian recipe. Its name is also interesting – “Chornobryvets”. This is because it looks like flowers, which are called in everyday life velvets. In general, there is no point in walking around, it is time to cook and personally find out why it is compared to a cake.
It may seem that there are too many ingredients, but the editorial board "Site" Don't let you get confused. Use ours. calculatorSo you don't miss anything. We add only that the cake turns out to be excellent, not clogged, with a bright memorable taste. We think it will take a worthy place in the list of favorite desserts. Here we go!
Simple pie with poppy Ingredients for crusts
Poppy blend ingredients
Ingredients for coconut mixture
Cream ingredients
Simple poppy pie.
Depending on personal preferences, you can add more poppy or more coconut shavings to the recipe. We don't think it makes sense to give sugarThe cake isn't sweet at all. But if you're afraid, you can reduce it. Be sure to write in the comments what you did on the way out, and do not hesitate to give tips that will help improve the recipe!
Simple poppy pie. It will be the decoration of any party! However, they are not ashamed to eat at other convenient times. And if you have no prejudices about your figure, then you can eat it without a break until it is over. As a bonus, we recommend a selection of light recipes in which the main ingredient is poppy filling. Wish you a good appetite!

It may seem that there are too many ingredients, but the editorial board "Site" Don't let you get confused. Use ours. calculatorSo you don't miss anything. We add only that the cake turns out to be excellent, not clogged, with a bright memorable taste. We think it will take a worthy place in the list of favorite desserts. Here we go!
Simple pie with poppy Ingredients for crusts
- 250g margarine
- 3 tbsp flour
- 100g sugar
- 5 tbsp sour cream
- 3 tbsp cocoa
- 1p baking powder

Poppy blend ingredients
- 250g finished (shaped) poppy
- 3 chicken eggs
- 1.5 tables of sugar
- 100g butter
Ingredients for coconut mixture
- 6 egg whites (whipped with sugar)
- 1 tbsp sugar
- 200g coconut shavings
- 2 tbsp starch
Cream ingredients
- 6 yolks
- 1 tbsp sugar
- 300 ml of milk
- 400g butter
- 2 tbsp flour
Simple poppy pie.
- The dough is prepared first. Mix gradually together margarine, sugar, sour cream, cocoa, flour and dough blends. It has to be pretty tight. Divide into 6 parts and put 3 parts in the refrigerator, and determine the other three parts in the freezer. They should cool down.
- While the dough is in the refrigerator, prepare poppy and coconut mixture (or masses, as you prefer). For poppy, just mix all the ingredients together, for coconut, first thoroughly beat the proteins with sugar and then add everything else. In both cases, stir until uniformity appears.
- The cream is prepared as follows: whip together yolks, sugar, milk, flour and cook on a slow heat until the cream begins to thicken. Remove from the fire and let it cool, then add the oil.
- Now that all the mixtures and cream are ready, 45 minutes have passed since the dough was set to cool, do the following. Remove 1 part from the refrigerator and roll it in a convenient form, lubricate it with a poppy mixture, then coconut, at the end of sodium on the grater 1 part of dough from the freezer.
- Put the cakes in the oven for 15-20 minutes, working temperature 180 degrees Celsius. Do this with all the pieces to get three crusts. When cooled, smear each cream in equal parts and put one on top of the other. The cake is ready, let it soak. This will take about 6 hours. Done!
Depending on personal preferences, you can add more poppy or more coconut shavings to the recipe. We don't think it makes sense to give sugarThe cake isn't sweet at all. But if you're afraid, you can reduce it. Be sure to write in the comments what you did on the way out, and do not hesitate to give tips that will help improve the recipe!

Simple poppy pie. It will be the decoration of any party! However, they are not ashamed to eat at other convenient times. And if you have no prejudices about your figure, then you can eat it without a break until it is over. As a bonus, we recommend a selection of light recipes in which the main ingredient is poppy filling. Wish you a good appetite!
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