Easy way to know how long your relationship
Ninety three million four hundred nine thousand one hundred seventy one
It would seem that love is difficult to describe and even more difficult to do with formulas. But the mathematics of the UK coped with this task and made up the "formula of love" that can predict how long your relationship.
We are in the Website out of curiosity checked out a few pairs. We offer you to make use of this simple formula and you.
Formula of love In the experiment, experts have taken part more than 2 thousand people. They were all of different ages and social status. These people helped to deduce the following equation:
We decided to calculate what should be the indicators that the pair were together for 35 years.
That's what we got:
8 + 5*1 — 2*2 + 9*3 + 3*1 + 3 — 3*4 — 5*(4-4)*2 + 2 + 1,5*2 = 35
Of course, each of the indicators may vary. If you increase one and the proportional reduction of the other to get the same long term — 35 years.
That's the beauty of it. In the end, each couple will get their own formula of love.
Photo eastnews preview, eastnews
via www.eastnews.ru/pictures/result?phrase=EN_01258139_0019&news-pic=1&pic-catId=0&stock-pic=1&archive=en-arch&pic-agencyId=0&search-way=keywords
It would seem that love is difficult to describe and even more difficult to do with formulas. But the mathematics of the UK coped with this task and made up the "formula of love" that can predict how long your relationship.
We are in the Website out of curiosity checked out a few pairs. We offer you to make use of this simple formula and you.
Formula of love In the experiment, experts have taken part more than 2 thousand people. They were all of different ages and social status. These people helped to deduce the following equation:

- Y — number of years you knew each other before the start of the relationship;
- R — the number of previous partners that you had;
- Hm — on a scale (from 1 "not important" to 5 "very important") the importance the man attaches to honesty in the relationship;
- Mf — on a scale, what is the value of money gives the woman in the relationship;
- J — on a scale the degree of importance attached to humour each of the partners (the values of the folded and use the sum).
- G — on a scale the importance attached to the external attractiveness of both partners (in total);
- Sm and Sf on a scale which value male (M) and female (F) give the sex;
- I — on a five point scale the importance of good relations with relatives (in total);
- C — on a scale the importance attached to children (in total);
- L — possible duration of relationship in years.

We decided to calculate what should be the indicators that the pair were together for 35 years.
That's what we got:
- The number of years you know each other: 1
- The number of previous partners of both: 1 + 1 = 2
- Man appreciates honesty 3
- Woman value money 1
- In sum, the partners appreciate the humor of 1 + 2 = 3
- In sum, the partners appreciate the visual appeal on 2 + 2 = 4
- Value that man and woman give sex: 4 and 4
- The importance of good relations with relatives: 1 + 1 = 2
- The importance of children: 1 + 1 = 2
8 + 5*1 — 2*2 + 9*3 + 3*1 + 3 — 3*4 — 5*(4-4)*2 + 2 + 1,5*2 = 35
Of course, each of the indicators may vary. If you increase one and the proportional reduction of the other to get the same long term — 35 years.
That's the beauty of it. In the end, each couple will get their own formula of love.
Photo eastnews preview, eastnews
via www.eastnews.ru/pictures/result?phrase=EN_01258139_0019&news-pic=1&pic-catId=0&stock-pic=1&archive=en-arch&pic-agencyId=0&search-way=keywords
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