It comes once in an expensive restaurant the tipsy man...

Seventy four million seven hundred ninety one thousand seven hundred four

It comes once in an expensive restaurant already tipsy man, and immediately the threshold said to the whole room:

— Waiter! All vodka at my expense! Visitors, musicians, bartender, well, you, of course.

He repeats his strange request several times, all visitors and employees of the restaurant already terribly drunk. Finally, the man gets up from the table and staggered heads for the exit. It stops the waiter and says:

— Dear, and the expense you want to pay? Here it is. he holds out his account, which flaunts a very impressive amount.

I don't want to! I have something to do with a penny for myself!

The waiter swings and gives the man in the nose, and then rudely kicks him out of the restaurant. The next day, the man again comes into the same restaurant and again the shouts from the threshold:

— All vodka at my expense! And visitors, the musicians and the bartender!

The waiter angrily look at the man and says:

— Well, me?!

— And you've had enough, you when you drink, hurt!

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